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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Job description and details of Police Oaths (FOI)

Job description and details of Police Oaths (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 03 October 2024.
Prepared internally, no external costs.



Full description and responsibilities of the Manager, Central Freedom of Information job role for the Government of Jersey.


Full details of the Manager, Central Freedom of Information's sworn Oath in order to work for the Government of Jersey.


Full details of the most recent sworn Oath of a Police Constable representing the States of Jersey Police.


Full details of the sworn Oath of the Chief Constable of the States of Jersey Police.


Full details of the OAth sworn by the Crime Commissioner.



Please see the attached document.

Central Freedom of Information Manager.pdf


There is no sworn oath requirement for this role


In accordance with the Article 15 of the States of Jersey Police Force Law 2012, the current version of which has been in force since 11 January 2024, police officers take either an oath or make a solemn affirmation as follows:


You swear and promise before God that well and faithfully you will exercise the office of a Member of the States of Jersey Police Force, that you will faithfully serve His Majesty King Charles the Third, his heirs and successors according to law, and that you will carry out your duties with courage, fairness and integrity, protecting human rights and according equal respect to all people. You will to the best of your ability uphold the laws and usages of Jersey, cause the peace to be kept, prevent offences against people and property and seek to bring offenders to justice according to law.


I [name] do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm that I will exercise the office of a Member of the States of Jersey Police Force, that I will faithfully serve His Majesty King Charles the Third, his heirs and successors according to law, and that I will carry out my duties with courage, fairness and integrity, protecting human rights and according equal respect to all people. I will to the best of my ability uphold the laws and usages of Jersey, cause the peace to be kept, prevent offences against people and property and seek to bring offenders to justice according to law.


The Chief Officer is not required to make any additional oath or affirmation. 


The equivalent to the Crime Commissioner in Jersey is the Jersey Police Authority. The Chair and members are appointed by Ministerial Decision and presented to the States Assembly. There is no oath to swear.​

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