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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Road layouts St Aubin (FOI)

Road layouts St Aubin (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 10 January 2025.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


Dear Sirs

I am writing to provide my feedback regarding the proposed changes to the road layout at the junction of Rue de Trachy and St Aubin's Road. As a resident of [road] who uses this junction daily, both as a driver and a cyclist, I feel compelled to highlight several issues and request further clarity on the rationale behind these modifications, as well as make a connected FOI request. 

Firstly, I cannot see what the proposed changes are intended to achieve. This is a junction with excellent visibility and relatively low traffic which, from my experience, is not a dangerous one. There is already a traffic island by the exit of that junction allowing pedestrians to cross and a signalled pedestrian crossing just up the road by Benest's. If the Department’s goal is to improve pedestrian safety along this stretch of road, it would be more appropriate to focus on the junction of St Aubin's Road, Mont Felard, and Rue des Galets, a junction we avoid on foot with or without our dog due to difficulty of navigating the junction safely. This area is without doubt more critical from a pedestrian safety perspective.

It also seems counterintuitive to place a non-signalled crossing off the junction of a major arterial road into town - thereby potentially forcing cars turning up Rue de Trachy to stop on St Aubin's Road, which might present a risk to other road users not expecting a car to stop.

Additionally, the current junction layout accommodates two cars exiting simultaneously, one turning right and one turning left. The proposed changes would remove this functionality, leading to significant implications, particularly during events when St Andrew’s Park is used for overflow parking, for example when the Avenue is closed for the Battle of Flowers or the Battle of Britain and traffic along St Aubin's Road is at a crawl.

Another concern is that the proposed layout, as demonstrated by the temporary bollards, forces cars turning left out of Rue de Trachy to take a wider line, which crosses the hatched area between the carriageways and it is a tight manoeuvre to avoid the pedestrian island. This presents a clear safety issue, as it increases the risk of conflict between vehicles (and pedestrians using the island) in the area. 

In the short term, the temporary bollards installed at the junction have created further challenges. These are frequently knocked over and left rolling in the road, posing a hazard to both vehicles and cyclists.

The notice informing the public of the proposals concludes by saying 'if the trial is successful' - what metrics are to be used for judging 'success'? It seems that a more suitable basis for assessing the proposal is necessity, on which I would hope the information sought in the below FOI request would give some clarity.

To better understand the decision-making process behind this proposal, I am submitting a Freedom of Information (FOI) request in accordance with the guidance outlined on the relevant page. I request the following information:  

1. The total number of reported road traffic incidents at the junction of Rue de Trachy and St Aubin's Road over the past ten years.  

2. For each incident reported during this period, please provide:  

   - The date and time of the incident.  

   - A description of the nature of the incident (e.g., collision, near miss, etc.).  

   - The type of road users involved (e.g., pedestrians, cyclists, cars, etc.).  

   - Whether any injuries were reported and, if so, their severity.  

   - Any actions or interventions taken as a result of the incident.  

Please confirm receipt of this request and provide the above information in a format compliant with FOI guidelines, either electronically or in a downloadable document. If any part of this request requires clarification, please let me know as soon as possible.  

I would also appreciate an explanation of how the proposed changes to this junction will address safety or other challenges currently observed in its operation.

Thank you for your attention to these matters.  


Infrastructure & Environment Response 

The scheme is a pedestrian mobility and accessibility scheme, aimed particularly to assist vulnerable road users such as the elderly, young and infirm, including those with disability.

The purpose of the scheme trial was to confirm that the new kerb line, reflected by the temporary plastic bollards, would not present a manoeuvring issue for parish refuse collection vehicles and heavy goods vehicles generally. The trial has enabled relevant feedback to be gained along with site observations by Government of Jersey officers.

The junction has a wide mouth with a below desired minimum visibility for pedestrians, especially for a pedestrian heading north-west from the south-eastern side, which creates undue expose to traffic.  

The proposed scheme would address this by reducing the crossing distance, opening up visibility, as well as introducing drop kerbs for those with pushchairs, wheelchairs, mobility scooters and tactile paving for the visually impaired.

Since a 2023 update of the Highway Code pedestrians are now top of the hierarchy of road users and recognised as most at risk in the event of a collision. A road safety review has identified the La Rue de Trachy junction as being a particular issue for pedestrians. The trial layout has been shown to allow incoming and outgoing vehicles to use the junction.

SOJP Response

States of Jersey Police can confirm details in the document attached.


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