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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Current public consultation on the Blue Badge Scheme (FOI)

Current public consultation on the Blue Badge Scheme (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 15 January 2025.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


Re the current public consultation on the Blue Badge Scheme, please would you say, with exactitude 


By who the decision was taken to exclude citizens not holders of a blue badge from being able to respond to the survey. What reason for this was recorded.


Which minister sanctioned this decision, and pursuant to which government policy


What consideration was given in the taking of the decision as to the wider public interest in the scheme and hence likely public interest in the consultation. Please provide copies of all germane papers including emails


By what power and under what statutory authority was this particular decision taken


And at the date of this FoI request, how many responses to the consultation had been received.


1 and 3

A Blue Badge holder meeting in July 2024 identified the need for the Government of Jersey to issue a survey to Blue Badge Holders to gain feedback regarding the Blue Badge Scheme (the ‘Scheme’) and their requirements to better inform any future government policy decisions around disabled parking. 

The Minister for Infrastructure approved that the purpose of the survey was to understand the needs of Blue Badge holders, which was why the general public were not included in the survey.

It was never intended for the survey to be extended to the general public, therefore, there is no correspondence regarding this and Article 10 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 applies.


Further to the response to questions 1 and 3, the survey was undertaken by the Minister for Infrastructure in accordance with the objectives set out States of Jersey’s Sustainable Transport Policy P.128/2019 (Accessibility) “reviewing the provision of disabled parking spaces and the blue badge scheme””. 

Sustainable Transport Policy

The current survey format and process was considered a pragmatic means to gather data to fulfil this. Data around the general use of parking spaces is gained through other means, spot observations and on-street surveys as well as more generally Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey etc. 

The Infrastructure and Environment Department is open to receiving comment on any transport related topic though its normal communications channels.

There are no powers or statutory authority required to undertake this survey. 


223 responses to the survey have been received as at 16 December 2024.

Article applied

Article 10 - Obligation of scheduled public authority to confirm or deny holding Information​

(1) Subject to paragraph (2), if –

(a) a person makes a request for information to a scheduled public authority; and

(b) the authority does not hold the information, it must inform the applicant accordingly.

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