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Tax law regarding Lasting Power of Attorney (FOI)

Tax law regarding Lasting Power of Attorney (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 12 February 2025.
Prepared internally, no external costs.

ā€‹Request 678712494

People who have tax forms with Lasting Power of Attorney have only the option of paper tax returns, for which the deadline is the end of May. As they rely on individuals with the LPA, if they have (as is often the case) they have dementia and have lost capacity, has any discussion been minuted over the last year on how this is discriminatory against disabled individuals?


There have been no discussions at which Minutes are taken in the last year regarding online filing for those with Lasting Power of Attorney. Individuals with lasting power of attorney may either submit a paper tax return, or file through an approved tax agent, who are able to file online. 

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