​​This report provides an overview of the consultation and a summary of the responses received. It highlights the concerns raised most frequently by respondents. The report will be used to help inform the decision about which site is chosen.​
In an eight-week period from 14 September to 8 November 2015, the public of Jersey were asked to consider potential sites for a new Les Quennevais School.
Education, Sport and Culture worked with Jersey Property Holdings to identify locations that would meet the requirements for a new secondary school in the west of the Island.
Three options were shortlisted from a list of more than 17, including the refurbishment of the current site:
Option 1: South-east corner of Les Quennevais sports field
Option 2: Fields south of Rue Carrée
Option 3: Fields south of Rue Carrée plus St Brelade football pitch site
Each of these was a viable option and met the criteria for a new school in terms of site size, location and proximity to students. However, before making a final choice or proceeding with a planning application, it was agreed that a public consultation should be carried out to explain the selection process to date and gauge public views about the options.
It was clear from the outset that the concern was likely to be expressed about the options: two sites would have an impact on agricultural fields in the green zone and the other would affect a popular public open space currently used for competitive sport and informal physical activity.
The purpose of the consultation was to clarify the strength of public opinion in each case and help assess which would be the most preferable location for the majority of island residents.