Skate Park Site Suitability Report
Produced by the
Economic Development (Department for the Economy)
Authored by
Growth, Housing and Environment
and published on
05 Jun 2019
Prepared internally, no external cost
A new skate park is to be a publicly funded provision for the island-wide urban sports community.
The overall project objectives are:
To provide a modern, accessible and open facility that is an environment for the local urban sports community that the participants feel safe and supported within and enables progression to a high level.
- To promote urban sports as an important part of an active lifestyle that can improve health and wellbeing and provide an outlet for creativity.
- To challenge the stigma surrounding urban sports and educate on the overall societal benefits
In order to achieve the project objectives, the new skate park must satisfy the following requirements:
- Minimum 1000m2 useable area
- Easily accessible from St Helier
- Concrete construction
- Ancillary areas for crowds and spectators
- Nearby toilets, parking and food outlets
This survey is a Government-led comprehensive assessment of the possible locations for a new skate park with the objective of creating a high-quality facility that is proportionate to the current and future participation in urban sports.
Skate Park Site Survey Report