Carbon Neutral Roadmap Consultation Report
Produced by the
Strategic Policy, Performance and Population (Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance)
Authored by
Strategic Policy, Performance and Population
and published on
10 Mar 2022
Prepared internally, no external cost
The draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap was published on 17 December 2021. This marked the start of a public consultation that ran until 31 January 2022.
The report has 6 parts:
- Parts 1 and 2: Introduction and consultation summary: provides an overview of the draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap process and an overview of the consultation process.
- Part 3 and 4: Methodology for the consultation and how the responses were processed and analysed
- Part 5: The findings from the consultation
- Part 6: Appendices including all written and individual submissions
Feedback from the consultation was taken into consideration in the development of the final Carbon Neutral Roadmap.