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L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Children and Young People: A strategic framework for Jersey

Produced by the Health and Care Jersey
Authored by Children's Policy Group and published on 21 Nov 2011
Cost: ÂŁ12,950.00


​​Jersey’s Strategic Framework for Children and Young People sets out what we want to achieve for the Island’s children and young people. You can download both a summary and full copy of the framework at the bottom of this page.

The Children and Young People’s Strategic Framework was commissioned by the Children’s Policy Group. This is a cross departmental group that includes the ministers for Health and Social Services, Home Affairs, and Education, Sport and Culture.

It sets out the following vision and 6 key objectives:

Our vision

We want all children and young people to grow up in a safe, supportive Island community in which they achieve their full potential and lead happy, healthy lives.

Our 6 outcomes

We want all children and young people to:

  • be healthy
  • be safe
  • achieve and do
  • grow confidently
  • be responsible and respected
  • have a voice and be heard.

Why have a framework?

The framework clearly sets out what we want to achieve for children and young people and doing so will help us make better collective decisions about the services and facilities we need.


We are a small island and our children and young people are not always able to access the same range of services, facilities or opportunities that others have in the UK, mainland Europe or elsewhere. We must therefore ensure that we invest our resources in a way that delivers the greatest possible benefits to all children and young people.

The framework is for all of Jersey's children and young people, their parents and carers, service providers, politicians and decision makers.

Download Children and Young People: A strategic framework for Jersey (size 1.7mb)
Download Children and Young People: A strategic framework for Jersey (summary) (size 2.1mb)
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