Air Quality Strategy for Jersey
Produced by the
Health and Care Jersey
Authored by
AEA Technology
and published on
01 Apr 2003
Prepared internally, no external cost
​In 1999 the Planning and Environment’s Monitoring Group formed an Air Quality sub group to produce an Air Quality Strategy for Jersey. This group consisted of representatives from the Environmental Services Unit of the Planning Department, Environmental Health (now Health Protection) and the Public Services Department. The Strategy was to address the following objectives:
to provide an inventory of significant sources of local pollution and pollutants
to determine appropriate standards to be complied with
to identify those areas where the standards are exceeded
to establish appropriate action plans for improvement, with clear accountabilities for delivery
to design a monitoring programme capable of assessing the efficiency of the above action plans
to provide an estimate of the costs implementing the monitoring programme
to raise public awareness of air quality in Jersey
The strategy was produced with the assistance of the UK consultants AEA Technology. The strategy is to be submitted to the Environment and Public Services Committee for their endorsement. It is anticipated a steering group chaired by Health Protection will be formed to begin implementation of the action plans and raising public awareness. Health Protection are responsible for protecting and improving the public’s health in relation to amongst other things air quality, drinking water and food safety.
Air Quality Strategy 2003Indoor air pollution