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Government of

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Charging for policing of commercial and profit making events

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

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An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

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  • providing a record of decisions and actions that will be available for examination by States Members, and Panels and Committees of the States Assembly; the public, organisations, and the media; and as a historical record and point of reference for the conduct of public affairs

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A decision made (18.07.06) to approve a report and proposition concerning the charging for policing of commercial and profit making events.


Charging for policing commercial and profit making events – Report and Proposition

Decision Reference:


Exempt clause(s):


Type of Report (oral or written):


Person Giving Report (if oral):

Peter Robinson

Director of Finance

Telephone or

e-mail Meeting?



File ref:


Written Report –



Written report – Author:

Peter Robinson

Director of Finance


Approval of the attached Report and Proposition. To be debated on the 26th September 2006.

Reason(s) for decision:

To adhere to the requirements of Financial Direction 4.1 and P63/2003 that all new ‘user pays’ charges require the approval of the States Assembly.

Action required:

The Director of Finance will:

· Ensure that the attached Report and Proposition is sent to the States Greffe to be lodged for debate on the 26th September 2006.

· Inform the States of Jersey Police Chief Officer of the decision of the States Assembly.


(Minister/ Assistant Minister)

Date of Decision:






Charging for policing of commercial and profit making events


THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion –

to refer to their Act dated 24th June 2003 in which they adopted “States’ approval for new ‘User Pays’ charges” (P63/2003 ) and which provided that no new ‘user pays’ charges would be introduced without prior in principle approval of the States, and to agree that a charge be levied for the Policing of commercial or profit making events.



The purpose of this report is to recommend a robust protocol between the States of Jersey Police (SOJP) and outside agencies in respect of services required for commercial or profit-making events.

The rationale for such a protocol must be set in the context of diminishing police resources and the greater demand placed upon the Police Force by the community it serves and the need to support the “User Pays” ethos of the States Policy.

It will also set out the responsibilities of Police at such events, but just as importantly emphasise the responsibilities of organisers, their staff and those they sub contract to, to ensure public safety.

This policy is aimed at standardising the Police approach to all organised events. It will create an environment where, through consultation and partnership, public events will continue to take place. A greater awareness of the individual responsibility of the organisers and those of the other agencies involved should emerge, which will ensure a more focused approach by all concerned resulting in better planned, safer and more resilient events.


It is essential that all interested parties and Police Force partners are involved at the earliest opportunity. It is accepted that the States of Jersey Police will take primacy, however this does not detract from the need to engage in full consultation with all parties to set clear lines of accountability in the first instance.

Where appropriate all such events will be referred, as a matter of course, to other emergency services, generally via the medium of the Bailiff’s Entertainment Panel.

Assessment of the need for Police attendance and action at public events will be principally based on the need to discharge States of Jersey Police core responsibilities, which are as follows:

· Preservation of law and order.

· Prevention and detection of crime.

· Activation of a contingency plan where there is an immediate threat to life and co-ordination of emergency service activities.

· Regulation of traffic both vehicular and pedestrian.

· Provision of appropriate security commensurate to the threat level to either VIPs or the local community.

The number and level of Police resources committed to the event and the tasks to be undertaken will be proportionate to a documented risk assessment for the event. This will be determined by the Police alone, albeit with the benefit of advice from relevant bodies. Police will not, as a matter of course be deployed to tasks or responsibilities for which there are no legal responsibilities or legal powers. States of Jersey Police will only be used for duties which specifically require a Police Officer for instance public disorder. In all other situations stewards, parking control officers etc will assume control for areas within their responsibility after agreement with States of Jersey Police.


It is imperative to define what events Police would consider to be out of the normal remit of their responsibility and would therefore attract a financial contribution by the organisers. Due to the number of requests from different organisations and the diverse nature of these events the following is a guide:

1. Commercial / profit making event - where a commercial organisation seeks to sell /advertise or otherwise promote or hold a particular product / merchandise /event for financial gain and where this event falls within core policing responsibilities, for example a music event which will involve the deployment of crowd control barriers, press pens and special access arrangements for vehicles and/or pedestrians.

2. Public, non -profit making event - where an organisation holds a public event but does not benefit financially. While the event still falls within core policing responsibilities, revenue would not be sought from the organisers of such an event.

3. Traditional Events - where an event is part of a long established Island tradition which by custom and practice has been policed free of charge, payment should not be sought, for example the Battle of Flowers.

The final decision as to Police numbers, deployments and specific costings will always rest with the States of Jersey Police. In circumstances where it is judged appropriate to impose a charge for policing (1, above), a recommendation will not generally be made to the Bailiff’s Entertainment Panel in connection with the issuing of an entertainment permit until the matter of these costs has been agreed between the States of Jersey Police and the organisers. These costs will be based on core policing costs for officers on the ground at the event and do not include costs for any ancillary staff who may be involved on the periphery.


Following agreement with all interested parties the organiser will be required to sign a Special Services Agreement, the rates for which as at the 1st March 2006 are as follows:


Rank Special Duty (£) Normal Hourly Rate (£)




Chief Inspector






Police Sergeant



Police Constable



The agreement will form a basis for the Police planning of the event.

The charges are based on a straightforward reimbursement of costs incurred. Employment of officers on a Bank Holiday will automatically incur a charge of double the normal hourly rate.

If a situation arises whereby the event is cancelled or all interested parties agree that an event can be downgraded and policing reduced, full payment may still be required if less than 15 days’ notice has been given and the States of Jersey Police has incurred costs. If the opposite occurs and changes by the organisers require the level of policing to be upgraded then a new agreement will be drawn up. At least 15 working days’ notice should be given. In the event that 15 days’ notice is not given then charges for the extra officers required will be double the normal hourly rate. Where it becomes necessary to scale up the level of response required due to recent intelligence or some other spontaneous incident out of the control of the organisers they will be consulted as to the increased resources and thus costs they will incur.

Financial Implications

In accordance with Financial Direction No 4.1 ‘Increases in States Fees and Charges’ the proposed charge represents a new application of the ‘user pays’ principle and as such States approval should be sought in accordance with P63/2003. The additional income will be set off against extra expenditure incurred as a result of policing specific events. There are no manpower implications.


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