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Prison! Me! No Way!!! - Annual Report 2007/08.

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

Ministers are elected by the States Assembly and have legal responsibilities and powers as “corporation sole” under the States of Jersey Law 2005 by virtue of their office and in their areas of responsibility, including entering into agreements, and under any legislation conferring on them powers.

An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

  • demonstrating that good governance, and clear lines of accountability and authority, are in place around decisions-making – including the reasons and basis on which a decision is made, and the action required to implement a decision

  • providing a record of decisions and actions that will be available for examination by States Members, and Panels and Committees of the States Assembly; the public, organisations, and the media; and as a historical record and point of reference for the conduct of public affairs

Ministers are individually accountable to the States Assembly, including for the actions of the departments and agencies which discharge their responsibilities.

The Freedom of Information Law (Jersey) Law 2011 is used as a guide when determining what information is be published. While there is a presumption toward publication to support of transparency and accountability, detailed information may not be published if, for example, it would constitute a breach of data protection, or disclosure would prejudice commercial interest.

A decision made (10/09/2008) regarding: Prison! Me! No Way!!! - Annual Report 2007/08.

Decision Reference:            MD-HA-2008-0059

Decision Summary Title :

PMNW Annual report

Date of Decision Summary:

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Decision Summary Author:

Heidi Sydor

Executive Officer

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?

(State clauses from Code of Practice booklet)


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report

Title :


Date of Written Report:

Friday 25th April 2008

Written Report Author:

Lesley Harrison

PMNW Chair

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?

(State clauses from Code of Practice booklet)



Prison! Me! No Way!!! – Annual Report 2007/08


The Minister approved the Prison! Me! No Way!!! Annual Report for 2007/08 and requested the Greffier of the States to arrange for it to be placed before the States as a Report on 9th September 2008.

Reason(s) for Decision:

The Minister for Home Affairs wishes the Report to be presented to the States for information.

Resource Implications:

There are no resource implications to the Home Affairs department resulting from this decision.

Action required:

The Executive Officer, Home Affairs, to request the Greffier of the States to place the Annual Report before the States on 9th September 2008.



Minister for Home Affairs

Date Signed: 

Date of Decision (If different from Date Signed): 

Prison! Me! No Way!!! - Annual Report 2007/08.

Prison! Me! No Way!!! Jersey AGM – April 08



     Prison! Me! No Way!!! Jersey 

Executive Committee 2007/2008


     Chairman’s Annual Report


  1. The Challenge of Year Three.

It has been yet another extremely busy but fruitful year with many key achievements, thanks to the ongoing contribution and commitment of the members of the Executive team, key agencies and our funding partners. 

We focused on building on our strategy for long term sustainability following the success of year one and year two where we secured the necessary funding for a custom built mobile resource vehicle and also secured adequate funding for the recruitment of a Full Time Coordinator for the years 2007 – 2009 inclusive.  Both these extremely important elements enabled us to continue to manage our resources and capabilities at a desirable level whilst also allowing us to invest further in our existing programmes and develop new ones to successfully meet our key objectives, which are reflected in our mission statement: 

The aim of ‘Prison! Me! No Way! Jersey’ is to raise the awareness of young people in the Island about the causes, consequences and penalties of crime, by using a non threatening and non lecturing style of education.  We hope to dissuade young people away from a life of crime, by using a multi agency approach, which will give young people information enabling them to make informed life choices to help them grow into responsible citizens and hopefully reduce the devastating effects of criminal behaviour on society.’  

  1. Finances

In order to maintain good working relationships with our stakeholders, we believe it is vital to demonstrate transparency, accountability, measurement and sustainability both as a Charity and an initiative to our funding partners as well as ensure effective communication and engagement and meet mutually agreed objectives as per our service level agreements with those partners at: 

a ) Education Sport and Culture

b) Home Affairs

c) Housing

d) Lloyds TSB Foundation Channel Islands  

Therefore each of our stakeholders are provided with an annual report and accounts along with updates on any new developments / initiatives on which their funding is supporting

and we ensure they are advised of dates for ‘Crime Days’ at secondary schools, ‘Your Choice Days’ at primary schools and Community Days at local Housing Estates / Events and invited to join us as guests to experience their investment in our ongoing evolution.  

We also actively acknowledge and promote our partnerships in all Prison! Me! No Way!!! PR. 

We are now into our final year of a five year sponsorship deal with the Safety Grants Panel who funded the general costs for the Crime Awareness Days over five years, being 40 crime days in total. 

During 2007, we also received a cheque for £1000 from ‘People Against Crime’.   

Jersey Post also kindly agreed to continue to cover costs for the Post Box number for a third year during 2008. 

An independent accountants report to reflect year three of our Treasurers Report is attached. 

  1. Changes to the Executive Team

Jacqui Huet, Charlie Bertram, Andy Bisson and John Fosse ceased to become members of the Prison! Me! No Way!!! Executive in May 2007. 

Jane Clarke

A professionally qualified accountant, Jane replaced Jacqui Huet as Honorary Treasurer on the Prison! Me! No Way!!! Executive. Managing a significant amount of other people’s money requires the skill of a professional accountant in order to ensure that we are transparent and managing the funds of the charity in the best interests of all concerned and in line with appropriate procedures which ensure that we are compliant. 

Nick Watkins

Senior representation from HMP La Moye is an important role the Prison! Me! No Way!!! Executive need to have fulfilled in order to ensure that the agreed Memorandum of Understanding and other key resource issues can be successfully addressed and also as a police and prison charity it is vital to have a member of the senior management team at HMP La Moye contribute to the overall direction of the initiative. 

Cliff Chipperfield

Head of Evaluation and Standards at Education Sport and Culture became a member of the Prison! Me! No Way!!! Executive to allow us to work closely at a more strategic level to identify appropriate and relevant programmes to meet the needs of the students and schools in line with States of Jersey Education PSHE recommended guidelines. 

Peter Whitehouse

Youth Affairs Officer (YAO) at the States of Jersey Police, Peter was already a member of the Prison! Me! No Way!!! team, supporting and delivering content for workshops at the Crime Days and Your Choice Days.  Peter’s contribution and enthusiasm for Prison! Me! No Way!!! along with his role as YAO made him a natural choice to hold a seat on the Prison! Me! No Way!!! Executive and ensures consistency of information given to young people in school. 

Barry Sleddon

A senior member of the team who manage the Young Offenders Wing (YO) at HMP La Moye, Barry was already a member of the Prison! Me! No Way!!! team supporting and delivering content for workshops at the Crime Days and Your Choice Days.  Barry’s contribution and enthusiasm for Prison! Me! No Way!!! and his role in YO made him a natural choice to hold a seat on the Prison! Me! No Way!!! Executive and ensures consistency of information given to young people in school.   

Both I and fellow members of the Executive were delighted at their acceptance to join us as their contribution is invaluable to the overall success of Prison! Me! No Way!!! in Jersey. 

  1. Full Time Coordinator

PC Karen Houston was appointed for the position in June 2006.   A two-year secondment agreement was drafted and signed by Karen, the States of Jersey Police and Prison! Me! No Way!!! to ensure that expectations, accountabilities and performance objectives were clearly understood by all parties. Thanks to the ongoing support from Mr. Du Val and the Senior Operations Management Team at the States of Jersey Police, this secondment has now been extended for PC Houston until June 2009 and succession has been addressed. 

Prison! Me No Way!!! continue to invest in the ongoing training of PC Houston along with her fellow Co ordinators on the Prison! Me! No Way!!! Executive and support them in order to meet the ever changing needs relevant to our small community. 

  1. Crime Awareness Days – Secondary School Programme


The 2007 Programme was undertaken at the following schools: 

W/C 10th July 2007             Jersey College for Girls

           Victoria College for Boys

Beaulieu Convent

De La Salle College 

W/C 15th October 2007               Le Rocquier School

Grainville School

Haute Vallee

Les Quennevais 

Making a special appearance this year at all of the October ‘Crime Days’ were specially trained Police Dogs Thor and Ripper who work with their handlers PC Richard Blake and PC Dave Bisson to help detect drugs and criminals – the dogs and their handlers were used in a variety of scenarios with Police Trainer Fraser Bentley lending a hand as a ‘stooge’.  

We also introduced another workshop entitled ‘Split Second’  with  Sergeant Dean Machin and PC Tommy Hayden who are trained Firearms Officers from the States of Jersey Police whose interactive workshop demonstrates how officers only have that split second to decide whether a firearm they are confronted with is real or replica. 

Both these new workshops were extremely well received by the students, teachers, visiting Ministers, Magistrates and other dignitaries along with the media and as a result will remain a feature of the programme for 2008. 

We also had a working party from the Home Department in Deputy Jenny Tasker and States of Guernsey Police Superintendent Ian Morellec and others join us for the Les Quennevais Crime Day with a view to observing and potentially introducing the programme into Guernsey trialing with a pilot police and prison workshop.

During the week of the programme, we had an amazing amount of press coverage on Channel Television, BBC Radio Jersey, Channel 103 and in the JEP, which has a vital part to play in continuing to raise awareness of PMNW and the programmes in the local community and the importance of the partnership between the public and private sector. 

  1. Your Choice – Primary School Programme.

PMNW had commitment from 28 schools who committed to take this programme during 2007. 

To date it has been delivered into the following schools: 


Bel Royal


De La Salle


First Tower

Grand Vaux



JCG Prep

La Moye

Les Landes

Mont Nicolle

Plat Douet

Rouge Bouillon



St Clement

St Georges

St John

St Lawrence

St. Martin

St Saviour

St Lukes

St Mary

St Peter


Vic Prep 

  1. Individual School Sessions

Outside the  ‘Crime Day’s,’ Your Choice’ Days and Community Days, PC Houston also works in partnership with the Heads of PSHE in our schools to design and deliver individual lessons suitably tailored for the year groups 7, 8, 9 and 10 on subjects which include drugs, alcohol, internet safety etc.. 

This year PC Houston has delivered 55 lessons to a total number of 5183 students  

  1. Community Awareness Days

No Community Awareness Days were held during 2007. These days are particularly important to the Housing Department as well as Prison! Me! No Way!!! and have already been addressed for 2008 along with research into other potential programmes we may be able to develop in this area. Our partnership with Housing is a good one with our focus now lying with the Tenants Services Team which is headed up by Mike Porter who is the Tenants Services Manager and we are extremely confident that the year ahead will see a focused approach where between us we can genuinely create some extremely worthwhile initiatives in the local community. 

  1. Support Work with other Youth Organisations in the Community

Whilst we are very focused on achieving our objectives in line with our partnerships agreements and do manage our resource and capabilities accordingly, without diluting or detracting from Prison! Me! No Way!!! we do believe in supporting other youth related organisations if feasible - such as assisting the Youth Action Team if they need a suitably qualified officer in order to conduct one of their residential weekend courses for young people at Crabbe or working with the Youth Service and going to talk to groups or individual young people, fully utilising PC Houston’s skill, knowledge and experience as a Police Officer who is fully qualified in Adult Education, Child Protection, PHSE, CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) and Prison! Me! No Way!!! as well as first aid trained. 

  1. Office Manager

In March 2008, we welcomed Sue Fox to the Prison! Me! No Way! Team as Part Time Office Manager to support PC Houston in her day-to-day activities. Sue’s role is key in addressing the necessary administration, relevant documentation and assisting with diary management that must be addressed in relation to the work that PC Houston carries out to avoid it becoming an ineffective use of PC Houston’s time which is better placed by time spent in schools and the community. 

  1. Award Winners – Rotary Club of Jersey Community Award 2008

Each year the Rotary Club of Jersey look to an organisation who they believe has made a significant contribution to the Community.  The Club were already enthusiastic supporters of Prison! Me! No Way!!! following their contribution towards the Resource Vehicle and follow our achievements with great interest. A nomination was put forward to the Club and we were selected by a Club Awards Panel as the worthy winners of this prestigious award and presented with a framed certificate at a Club dinner in April 2008. 

  1. Stakeholder Presentations

Build a Safer Society – Tuesday 26th June 2007

This year we were invited by our Home Affairs BaSS (Build a Safer Society) partners to contribute to a fact finding workhop by presenting who we are and what we do to a variety of delegates from youth related initiatives. 

Offshore Policing Forum – Wednesday 20th June 2007

Chief Officer Graham Power invited us to present to key senior Police personnel from offshore jurisdictions – Guernsey, Isle of Man, Gibraltar along with representatives from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, National Police Improvement Agency and Jersey’s Home Affairs Ministers Wendy Kinnard along with Guernsey’s Home Department Minister Geoff Mahy.  The objective being to demonstrate the benefits of the partnership and the contribution it makes to the community.  

International Commanders Programme – Friday 3rd August 2007

Chief Officer Graham Power invited us to present at an important programme organised by the National Policing Improvement Agency. The objective being to demonstrate the benefits of the partnership and the contribution it makes to the community.

Designed for senior officers who are preparing for promotion to strategic ranks, the key aim of the programme was to provide those officers with further development opportunities to acquire the management and operational skills of potential senior managers.  The officers originated from Oman, Bahrain, Bahamas, Botswana, Bangladesh and the Caymen Islands and held ranks from Chief Inspector to Assistant Chief Constable. 

Houses of Parliament / LTSB Foundation C.I. – Tuesday 27th March 2008

Lloyds TSB Foundation Channel Islands Chairman Andrew Ozanne and Executive Director John Hutchins invited us to represent the Channel Islands at the Foundation Seminar in the Houses of Parliament where selected charities who are supported by the Foundation in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the Channel Islands were invited to attend and meet the Chairman of the Bank along with numerous Members of Parliament.  Designed as an event for recognition and a celebration of achievement, this was a wonderful experience to talk to others in this forum to give them an insight into who we are and what we do. 

  1. The Launch of the DVD / Website

In order to continue to engage with our ‘partners’ and other sponsors, and raise our     profile Prison! Me! No Way!!! Jersey added another tool to our armoury in the fight against youth crime by launching a new DVD and interactive website on Thursday 27th March 2008 at Jersey Museum. 

Designed to enable parents to have an insight into the ‘Crime Days’ programme which Prison! Me! No Way!!! deliver to their children in the Island’s secondary schools on ‘choices and consequences’ this DVD will be shown at school parent evenings and Community Days and events at local Housing Estates. 

This short DVD is designed to engage with the parents, re-enforcing the message given by the States of Jersey – ‘Yours Child, your responsibility’ and the website also offers parents as well as their children, factual information and guidance on addressing areas such as drugs, alcohol, internet safety. Health and safety feature as an important element

and the website will have signposting to suitably qualified people who can offer professional advice and support if needed. 

The launch was supported by SoJP Chief Officer Graham Power, Prison Governor Bill Millar, Chief Officer and Brigade Manager Mark James and Chief Officer Ambulance John Moulin. Attended by the Bailiff Sir Philip Bailhache, Ministers Kinnard, Vibert and Le Main along with Chief Officers Ian Gallichan from Housing and Chief Officer Home Affairs Steven Austin Vautier along with other key senior people from the community.  

The Chief Executive Officer of the No Way Trust Paul Wilkinson and his wife Linda and two other members of the UK team Mike Reid and Bob Brown flew over to join us for this important occasion. 

The event was well received by all concerned and gave us tremendous positive media coverage as well as positioning us as a ‘must have’ as opposed to a ‘nice to have’ initiative due to the strength of the partnership between the public and private sector and the achievements that are being made as a result. 

  1. The Future

Measurement and Accountability

Measuring the success of Crime Prevention is complex, however as we know, long term success may be deduced from a set of inter-dependant measures, namely reducing overall crime, sustained or increased detection rates and a reduction in the proportion of offences known to have been committed by youths. 

The population of 14-17 year olds in Jersey was set to increase by 14% over the last five years and mindful of the impending growth in the 14-17 year old bracket, Prison! Me! No Way!!! Jersey changed the initial age groups the workshops targeted and focused on the younger age groups in both our primary and secondary schools so it is particularly encouraging to note that the States of Jersey Police statistics on youth crime have shown that the average number of children aged 10-13 who were caught committing criminal offences between 2005-2007 had reduced by over 40% in comparison to the previous three year period. 

There is also anecdotal evidence from young people to demonstrate that the Prison! Me No Way!!! scheme does produce results. There has also been some extremely positive feedback from both the students and schools who have participated in the Crime Days to demonstrate that the scheme does indeed have a positive impact on the morals and values of these young people. 

Whilst we are not promoting Prison! Me! No Way!!! as a universal panacea in reducing youth crime or attributing success to any one initiative and it’s certainly too early to state with confidence that this represents lasting change, we do believe that Prison! Me! No Way!!! Jersey alongside a variety of other preventative work with young people is playing its part in effecting behaviour change amongst up and coming generations as they enter these formative years. 

We do however need to continue to address any potential mechanism that will assist with accountability.  Ian Skinner in his role at the States of Jersey Police is happy to continue to assist us with relevant statistics to enable us to see the correlation between the delivery of our programmes in relation to crime reduction over the three year funding period which will be key in having further funding addressed at Ministerial level after that three year period. 

Therefore, the potential of this and any other mechanism will be investigated and addressed.  

The Year Ahead

I believe that we are extremely fortunate that we have such a strong Executive Committee with like-minded members who truly champion their own area of responsibility. 

This Executive along with extremely supportive senior people in the key agencies:

States of Jersey Police Chief Officer Graham Power, HMP Prison Governor Bill Millar, Chief Officer and Brigade Manager Mark James and Chief Ambulance Officer John Moulin and the enthusiasm and commitment of those officers who give up their time to contribute to the overall success of the programmes we deliver have made us who we are, which is a well run and respected charity who believe in what they do and work effectively in a true partnership in order to achieve results.  

Thanks to the vision of Ministers Kinnard, Vibert and Le Main and the Lloyds TSB Foundation Channel Islands who have continually supported and encouraged us every step of the way, we are a wonderful example of a good business model and strategic alliance between the public and private sector and are held up by many key people as such. 

The year ahead for Prison! Me! No Way!!! will also be a challenging one as there are great plans to continue to invest in both our organisation and our programmes, but whilst the year ahead will continue to be challenging, it will without question continue to be an enjoyable one and exciting one and one that we know can make a difference. 

We will continue to create new opportunities for Prison! Me! No Way Jersey!!! to raise awareness amongst the Island’s youth, their parents, schools, the local business community and ministerial government and maintain our existing solid relationship with the media. 

We shall also continue to enter ‘profile raising’ awards as and where appropriate with potential organisations / events including the prestigious Marketing Awards for the development of the website.  


Finally, a personal thank you to all members of the Executive Team for your ongoing support and contribution to a very successful third year of Prison! Me! No Way!!! Jersey.  

You are a pleasure to work with and a force to be reckoned with – a strong and focused team, we’ve worked hard - but it’s been fun with a great sense of achievement and I have enjoyed every moment in the Chair with you alongside me. 

Without a doubt the roles you have all had to play, enabled us to achieve the main key objectives we were working towards in a relatively short space of time and also while you were each contending with a demanding full time day job and family life! 

As a result, I am very proud of our achievements and very proud to be associated with Prison! Me! No Way!!! Jersey. 

Whilst the Chair will be held by my successor Carol Canavan from the end of June 2008, I look forward to working with you under Carol’s direction and leadership as we enter what I believe will be an equally successful year four as we continue to go from strength to strength and I as I know you all will, continue to give Carol every support to go on to achieve even greater things. 

Lesley Harrison

Chairman – Prison! Me! No Way!!! Jersey

Friday 25th April 2008. 


The role of Chairman requires a close working relationship with the States of Jersey Police and promoting the partnership.  

Vice Chairman Carol Canavan is presently working on the Haute de la Garenne enquiry and as it is not possible to both ‘regulate’ and ‘promote’, therefore in order to avoid any inferred ‘conflict of interest’ which could potentially impact on individuals, the charity or the States of Jersey Police, Lesley Harrison will remain in the Chair until Carol Canavan’s involvement has ceased and she is in a position to undertake the full responsibility of the Chair. 

Full PMNW Executive Approval: June 2008 


Lesley Harrison 


Carol Canavan

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