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Budget transfers in respect of Historic Child Abuse Enquiry.

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

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An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

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  • providing a record of decisions and actions that will be available for examination by States Members, and Panels and Committees of the States Assembly; the public, organisations, and the media; and as a historical record and point of reference for the conduct of public affairs

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A decision made (18/08/2008) regarding: Budget transfers in respect of Historic Child Abuse Enquiry.

Decision Reference:  MD-TR-2008-0086

Decision Summary Title:

Budget transfers in respect of Historic Child Abuse Enquiry

Date of Decision Summary:

5th August 2008

Decision Summary Author:

Kevin Hemmings

Head of Decision Support

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report


Budget transfers in respect of Historic Child Abuse Enquiry

Date of Written Report:

5th August 2008

Written Report Author:

Kevin Hemmings

Head of Decision Support

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?


Subject:  Budget transfers in respect of Historic Child Abuse Enquiry 

Decision(s): The Minister approved the temporary transfers from the Police Relocation capital head of expenditure to the following revenue heads of expenditure to reimburse actual expenditure incurred on the Historic Child Abuse Enquiry up to 30th June 2008:

  • Health and Social Services - £124,000
  • Home Affairs - £2,579,000
  • Economic Development - £210,000
  • Chief Minister’s - £47,417


Total - £2,960,417 

Reason(s) for Decision: The Public Finance (Jersey Law 2005 and financial direction 3.6 require the Minister for Treasury and Resources to approve significant transfers between revenue and capital heads of expenditure and to report such transfers to the States twice yearly. As the States had insufficient time to debate P91/2008 (Historic Child Abuse Enquiry – Funding) prior to the summer recess this left accounting officers exposed in terms of their legal duty not to overspend their heads of expenditure. Pending States consideration of the R&P at the 8th September sitting, the Minister for Treasury and Resources has agreed to make temporary transfers from the Police Relocation capital budget to the revenue heads of expenditure of a number of departments. Should the States approve P91/2008 the Police Relocation budget will be reimbursed. Should the States not approve P91/2008 then additional funding will need to be sought in the 2009 or 2010 Business Plan process to reimburse the Police Relocation capital budget.

Resource Implications: 

Other than those detailed in the report there are no further financial or manpower Implications.

Action required: Head of Decision Support to ensure that the necessary transfers are effected. 


Position: Senator T A Le Sueur, Minister for Treasury and Resources 


Date Signed: 18th August 2008

Date of Decision: 18th August 2008

Budget transfers in respect of Historic Child Abuse Enquiry.


Budget transfers in respect of Historic Child Abuse Enquiry  

  1. Purpose of Report

To enable the Minister to approve a number of budget transfers from capital to revenue.

  1. Background

P91/2008 (Historic Child Abuse Enquiry – Funding) was originally set down for debate by the States prior to the summer recess. Due to the volume of States business this debate was not possible and is now set for the sitting beginning 8th September 2008. This situation has left accounting officers exposed in terms of their legal duty not to overspend their heads of expenditure. Pending States consideration of the R&P at the 8th September sitting, the Minister for Treasury and Resources has agreed to make temporary transfers from the Police Relocation capital budget to the revenue heads of expenditure of a number of departments. Should the States approve P91/2008 the Police Relocation budget will be reimbursed. Should the States not approve P91/2008 then additional funding will need to be sought in the 2009 or 2010 Business Plan process to reimburse the Police Relocation capital budget. P91/2008 states that reimbursement will only be received for directly relevant, actual expenditure incurred based on departmental returns. These returns are outlined below. 

  1. Departmental funding requests

All four departments seeking reimbursement have confirmed that:

  • there are appropriate controls in place to ensure that funds are being spent appropriately and that value for money is being achieved and that
  • Financial directions are being complied with in respect of this expenditure.


Health and Social Services

The department requests reimbursement of £124,000 actual expenditure in 2008:


Home Affairs

The department requests reimbursement of the following actual expenditure in 2008:

Economic Development

The department requests reimbursement of the following actual expenditure in 2008, less about £250,000 which will be met from the Tourism Development Fund:


Type of Expense


Production Fees




TV campaign








Chief Minister’s


Consultancy plus expenses


Camera equipment


Banner displays & artwork


Travel and accommodation






  1. Recommendation

That the Minister approves the temporary transfers from the Police Relocation capital head of expenditure to the following revenue heads of expenditure to reimburse actual expenditure incurred on the Historic Child Abuse Enquiry up to 30th June 2008:

  • Health and Social Services - £124,000
  • Home Affairs - £2,579,000
  • Economic Development - £210,000
  • Chief Minister’s - £47,417


Total - £2,960,417 

  1. Reason for Decision

The Public Finance (Jersey Law 2005 and financial direction 3.6 require the Minister for Treasury and Resources to approve significant transfers between revenue and capital heads of expenditure and to report such transfers to the States twice yearly. As the States had insufficient time to debate P91/2008 (Historic Child Abuse Enquiry – Funding) prior to the summer recess this left accounting officers exposed in terms of their legal duty not to overspend their heads of expenditure. Pending States consideration of the R&P at the 8th September sitting, the Minister for Treasury and Resources has agreed to make temporary transfers from the Police Relocation capital budget to the revenue heads of expenditure of a number of departments. Should the States approve P91/2008 the Police Relocation budget will be reimbursed. Should the States not approve P91/2008 then additional funding will need to be sought in the 2009 or 2010 Business Plan process to reimburse the Police Relocation capital budget.

States Treasury Head of Decision Support

18 August, 2008 for decision 18th August 2008 


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