- Background
In 1957 the late Miss Albina Bertram Falle bequeathed to the States and the Royal Court the sum of £17,000, in accordance with the wishes of her brother, the late Lord Portsea of Portsmouth, for the purpose of establishing a fund –
“to help all young Jersey and Guernsey boys (of Jersey and Guernsey parentage) entering the Royal Navy, Army, Air Force and Civil Services who are in need of financial help”.
In 1968 the States, with the approval of the Royal Court, accepted the gift and three years later, by which time the sum concerned had risen to £27,000, the States passed an Act called The Lord Portsea Gift Fund (Jersey) Act 1971 (“the Act of 1971”), which established the rules and conditions for the administration of the Fund. The Act was promulgated on 25th May 1971. The Act provided for the Fund to be administered by a Delegation, and the members of the Delegation met for the first time that same year. The Act of 1971 has been amended twice, most recently in 1997.
The amendments have extended the initial purpose of the Fund to provide help to – Jersey and Guernsey girls; applicants already attending the Service Colleges; and intending entrants to the Merchant Navy, women’s armed services and the UK Civil Service. Originally there was an upper age limit of 20 years for applicants; this has been increased progressively and is now 30 years. Finally grants may be made to applicants with one parent who is a native of Jersey or Guernsey.
- Administration of the Fund
The Delegation charged to administer the Fund on behalf of the States and the Royal Court comprises eight members, four of whom are serving Jurats appointed by the Superior Number of the Royal Court, and four are States members nominated by the Minister of Education, Sport and Culture, who is Chairman ex officio of the Delegation. The quorum for meetings of the Delegation is five members, of whom at least two must be Jurats and two representatives of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Culture.
Members of the Delegation during 2006 were –
Senator M.E. Vibert, Minister of Education, Sport and Culture, Chairman
Jurat P.J. de Veulle, OBE
Jurat J.L. Le Breton
Jurat D.H. Georgelin
Jurat G.C. Allo
Deputy B. Fox
Deputy Ms C.F. Labey
Executive Officers: Mrs A. Richardson, Mrs J.Bree
Honorary Secretary: G.G. Journeaux (until September 2006), G.H.C.Coppock.
Jurat Georgelin ceased to be a member of the Delegation on 3rd November 2006, when his term of office as a Jurat expired. The Delegation wishes to record its appreciation of his services to the Fund for the past four years. During the year Mr Graeme Journeaux retired as Honorary Secretary, having served in that office for twelve and a half years. The Delegation wishes to record its appreciation of his long service to the Fund.
- Finance
The investment of the Capital Fund is undertaken by the States Treasury and Resources Department, with authority to make such changes in investments as it considers necessary and expedient.
The income of the Fund may be used at the absolute discretion of the Delegation to make grants within the terms of the bequest, as extended by the Acts of the States amending the Act of 1971. Grants made are “absolute and without any conditions”.
The rules and conditions with regard to the administration of the Fund may be amended from time to time by the States, on a proposition of the Minister of Education, Sport and Culture, and with the approval of the Royal Court. During the past year the Delegation considered proposals to bring the rules and conditions up to date and compatible with the system of ministerial government. It is hoped that the Minister will present the new rules and conditions for consideration by the States Assembly during 2007.
- Funds Available – details to be completed
As at 31st December 2006
Capital Fund ÂŁ201,916
Accumulated Fund ÂŁ100,807
Annual Income ÂŁ19,068
- Grants
Six grants were paid during 2006, totalling £15,500. Of these five were to assist with second and subsequent years’ studies and one was at the start of a course of study.