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Pomme d'Or Farm: Refurbishment Scheme Approval

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An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

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A decision made 10 June 2011 regarding:

Decision Reference:  MD-H-2011-0063 

Decision Summary Title :

DS – Approval of Scheme for the Refurbishment of Pomme D’or Farm


Date of Decision Summary:

27th May 2011

Decision Summary Author:


Capital Projects Officer

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?

(State clauses from Code of Practice booklet)


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report

Title :

WR- Approval of Scheme for the Refurbishment of Pomme D’or Farm


Date of Written Report:

27th May 2011

Written Report Author:

Capital Projects Officer

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?

(State clauses from Code of Practice booklet)


Subject:                  Pomme D’or Farm - Approval of Scheme Drawings

Decision(s): The Minister;


  1.      approved the proposals for the refurbishment of Pomme D’or Farm as set out in the scheme drawings (Drawing numbers 4691/63, 4691/65 rev A, 4691/66, 4691/67, 4691/69, 4691/71 rev A, 4691/82 rev A, 4691/83 rev A, 4691/85 rev A) appended to the attached report).


  1.      requested that the Minister for Treasury & Resources accept his recommendations for the approval of a scheme for the refurbishment of Pomme D’or Farm in accordance with States Standing Order 168(2).


Reason(s) for Decision:  

To comply with the requirements of Standing Order 168 of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey.


Resource Implications:   

No financial implications other than those set out in the attached report.  No manpower implications


Action required:    

Director of Operations to oversee the process of obtaining the approval of the Minister for Treasury & Resources under States Standing Order 168 and the tendering of the project








Date Signed:


Date of Decision (If different from Date Signed):


Pomme d'Or Farm: Refurbishment Scheme Approval





Date of Report: - 25th May 2011










The Pomme D’or Farm Estate which is situated at the base of West Hill in St Helier was developed by the States as social rented housing in 1977. 


The site comprises 17 bed sits, 10 x 1 bedroom Flats and 59 x 2 bedroom flats.


Whilst routine, cyclical and running repairs have been carried out throughout the life of the buildings the estate has now become due for significant improvement and refurbishment, particularly in respect of its thermal characteristics and ability to remain wind and watertight. 


A refurbishment brief was developed which required that the existing buildings be refurbished to upgrade the dwellings to incorporate increased thermal efficiency and to prolong the life of the buildings.  This has included a full review of the existing site, building conditions, services, structural integrity and living standards to ascertain the life cycle potential for the current buildings.


Generally, the existing structure of the buildings has deteriorated and requires some repair including, brick cladding, replacement windows and handrails together with roof finishes, etc.   A number of similar schemes have been undertaken recently, amongst them, Clos du Fort, The Cedars and Clos des Quennevais, with the basic philosophy that the external envelope of the building needs renewing in its totality by encapsulating the building in render or brick slip insulation quilts, the other items such as handrails, concrete repairs and windows to be included as necessary.


Internal Works


Residents will remain in their homes throughout the refurbishment process.  However, certain works will be carried out inside the homes.  These will include additional ventilation to bathrooms and kitchens, upgrading door entry systems, installing new front doors to flats to conform to ‘Secure by design’, replacement hot water cylinders, upgraded electrical consumer units, installation of Satellite TV infrastructure, door entry telephones and the removal of some asbestos bearing materials. (This is not an exhaustive list). 


Common areas within the blocks will also be upgraded in terms of finish and emergency lighting.  External communal entrance doors will also be replaced as well as the upgrading of some internal doors to improve fire safety.








Landscape and External Works


The external areas of the estate will also be attended to as part of the scheme.  Specific works will include:-


  • Attending to damaged or deteriorated retaining walls


  • Adding handrails or fencing to areas where there is potential for falls from heights


  • Refurbishment of play spaces


  • General Landscaping




The feasibility study for this project identified some significant problems associated with the drainage on site.  Ascertaining the full extent of the drainage problems was hampered due to the poor condition of some of the drain runs.


Due to the amount of work necessary and associated risks inherent with deep excavations, the drainage element of work was removed from the project and has been carried out as a separate contract. This has now been completed.


Adaptation of Bedsits to One Bedroom Units:


The Pomme D’or Farm estate has a number of bedsit units distributed across 37 separate blocks A – D inclusive.


These bedsitbedsits, indeed bedsits in general are not considered to be a wholly desirable or appropriate Housinghousing solution, particularly for older people.  Such units are generally in low demand and can prove difficult to let. Part of the overall strategy for the Housing Department has been to consider converting bedsits into more appropriate forms of accommodation, where space allows.  Examples of where this has been done successfully are at George V Homes and Victoria Cottage Homes.  The scheme about to commence at Clos Gosset will see bedsits on that estate converted to 1 bed flats. 


The design team has developed proposals for the conversion of the existing bedsits in blocks A, B and C to two person, one bedroom flats of an approximate area of 47m2.  The minimum floor area required by planning is 44.5m2


The bedsits in block D will be one person, one bedroom flats of an approximate area of 44.4m2 which equate well to the minimum requirements of 35.5m2.  The conversions to block D will require the construction of a small extension.


Both Planning and Building bye-law permissions have been granted for all the proposed works.






The proposals are set out in the attached drawings numbered:-


4691/63, 4691/65 rev A, 4691/66, 4691/67, 4691/69, 4691/71 rev A, 4691/82 rev A, 4691/83 rev A, 4691/85 rev A




That the Minister:

  • approve the proposals for the refurbishment of Pomme D’or Farm as set out in the scheme drawings (Drawing numbers 4691/63, 4691/65 rev A, 4691/66, 4691/67, 4691/69, 4691/71 rev A, 4691/82 rev A, 4691/83 rev A, 4691/85 rev A).


  • Request that the Minister for Treasury & Resources accept the proposals for the refurbishment of Pomme D’or Farm in accordance with States Standing Order 168(2).






REPORT PREPARED BY:-       ………………………………………….


    Stuart Hutton, Capital Projects Officer




REPORT CHECKED BY:-          ………………………………………...


    Jason English, Senior Management Accountant




REPORT APPROVED BY:-       ………………………………………...


    Mike Porter, Director of Operations



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