Memorandum of Understanding1
Prefecture of La Manche
Service Interministériel de Défense et de Protection civiles
The States of Guernsey
Civil Contingencies AuthorityEmergency Planning Officer
The States of Jersey
Emergenciesy Planning CouncilOfficer
To provide information for
Emergency Planning purposes
SeptemberJune 2015
1. Overview
1.1 This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) records the principles of an arrangement between the Préfecture of La ManchePrefecture of La Manche (referred to as St Lo), 3 Place de la Préfecture – CS 10419 – 50009, Saint- lô Cedex, the States of Guernsey Emergency Planning OfficerCivil Contingencies Authority (referred to as the SoG), Home Department (HD), Sir Charles Frossard House, PO Box 43, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, Guernsey and the States of Jersey Emergenciesy Planning Officer Council(referred to as the SoJ), 1st Floor, Fire and Rescue Service HQ, Rouge Bouillon, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3ZA, Channel Islands.
1.2 This MoU aims to set out the roles and responsibilities of the Préfecture of La MancheSt Lo, SoG and SoJ in relation to the provision of Emergency Planning information during an emergency.
1.3 This MoU, whilst a non-contractual business arrangement, acknowledges the goodwill between participants. It relies upon an ongoing spirit of co-operation and partnership working for its implementation. Préfecture of La MancheSt Lo , SoG and SoJ acknowledge that the MoU is not intended to have, nor does have, any legal effect.
1.4 No relationship between the parties to this MoU of partnership, joint venture, principal and agent or employer and employee is created by this MoU. Noeither party has any ability to bind the another.
- Introduction
2.1 There has been a tradition of St Lo, SoG and SoJ Eemergency Pplanning Oofficers (EPO) and Chef du Service Interministériel de Défense et de Protection civiles (SIDPC) sharing information on joint plans, training and exercising opportunities. This working relationship has already provided opportunities for each service to support each other on several occasions.
2.2 The EPO/Chef du SIDPC provides a coordinating role, keeping abreast of current contacts and resources that would be required in the response to an emergency. The EPO/Chef du SIDPC also provides a focal point for provision of information to other Government Departments (Officer and Political level) and has operational knowledge for a number of specific areas such as nuclear incidents.
2.3 It is recognised that authoritative information is critical to decision making and a close working relationship between these posts will be invaluable in the event of an incident affecting these jurisdictions. An emergency is defined, as per “The Civil Contingencies (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2012” as:
- an event or situation which threatens serious damage to human welfare or the environment in the Bailiwick, or any part thereof, or
- war, or terrorism, which threatens serious damage to the security of the Bailiwick, or any part thereof. For SoJ, the definition of an emergency is: ‘there have occurred, or are about to occur, either inside or outside Jersey, events of such a nature as to threaten the national defence or safety of the community’ (States of Jersey Emergency Powers and Planning Law Revised Edition January 2007).
- Aims of the Memorandum of Understanding
3.1 The purpose of the MoU is to ensure a joint understanding by Préfecture of La MancheSt Lo, SoG and SoJ of the arrangements to provide information during an emergency.
3.2 The aims of the MoU are to:
- Outline the range and scope of the information being offered and resources which may be used in delivering such a service
- Cover working relationships between Préfecture of La Manche
St Lo, the SoG and SoJ
- Clarify the legal and financial relationship between involved parties
- Operating Procedures
4.1 The EPO/Chef du SIDPC are broadly familiar with each otherseach other’s emergency planning arrangements and supporting legislation and constitutional arrangements.
4.2 The EPO/Chef du SIDPC hold contact numbers for each jurisdiction emergency control rooms and EPO/Chef du SIDPC and it is expected that initial information will be exchanged between each jurisdiction, which may be limited in detail in the first few hours of the response – (see Aannex 1)..
4.3 Following the initial message the Chef du SIDPC will provide more detailed information to the emergency control rooms of each Island at the Chef du SIPDC’s earliest convenience
4.43 An annual meeting of the EPO/Chef du SIDPC is to be held each year in order to ensure that officers remain conversant with operational plans.
4.54 The MOU is reviewed on an annual basis.
- Insurance and legal issues
5.1 Each Administration has its own arrangements to indemnify their respective officials.
The Department will indemnify the EPO/Chef du SIDPC from any legal liability in respect of claims received from third parties arising from the information provided by the EPO/Chef du SIDPC.
- Quality Assurance
6.1 In the event of a complaint or other issue connected with the delivery of advice or information the relevant department will inform Préfecture of La MancheSt Lo/SoG/SoJ in writing. Complaints procedures will be followed, and the outcome shared with both of the other parties.
6.2 Relevant information received will be shared with the Préfecture of La MancheSt Lo/SoG/SoJ as appropriate. However, all will comply with policies on confidentiality, data sharing guidance and individual permissions given by service users.
6.3 There will be a joint annual review of the service to establish that it is operating to the satisfaction of both parties.
- Confidential Information
7.1 All confidential information imparted through this MOU shall remain protected, especially where the information is of a sensitive nature.
- Costs
8.1 No jurisdiction will seek recovery of costs incurred in the planning and provision of information to support each other.
- Signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding
9.1 This MoU is not intended to be, nor is, legally binding and the arrangements referred to may be terminated by eitherany party, although each undertakes to provide reasonable notice (three months) of such termination in writing. It will be subject to annual review to ensure interests are maintained.
9.2 This MoU may be varied by the production of a new MoU, agreed, signed and dated by allboth parties.
For the Préfecture of La Manche
Name: Mrs Danièle Polvé MontmassonMr Pierre Marchand-Lacour
Title: Préfète of La MancheChief of Staff
For the States of Guernsey:
Name: Mark De GarisCatherine Veron
Title: Chief Officer, Home Department / Emergency Planning Officer
For the States of Jersey:
Name: Joseph CarnegieJohn Richardson
Title: Emergency Planning Officer on behalf of the Chief Minister[MF1], States of JerseyExecutive to the Council of Minister’s
Annex 1
Notification of an Incident at a Nuclear Facility in La Manche, France
“This is a genuine notification”. We are informing you of a (Nuclear Emergency or incident) at (site / reactor ID).
This is (callers name and site name) on telephone number (00 33 XX XX XX). A site nuclear emergency or incident has been declared at (site / reactor ID) at (date and time)
The incident involves (short description of incident)
The wind speed is (XX kph) and direction from (XX degrees)
The site emergency plan has been activated and our call back number is (00 33…………..)
Ceci est une notification officielle. Nous vous informons d’une [urgence/situation critique nucléaire] à [identité d’emplacement ou du réacteur].
C’est de la part de [nom de personne ou identité d’emplacement] au numéro siuvant [00 33 XX XX XX XX]. Une urgence/situation critique nucléaire a été declare à [identité d’emplacement ou du réacteur] à [date et l’heure].
Voici les détails de l’incident [description brève de l’incident]
La vitesse du vent est [XX km/h], en direction de [XX degrés]
Le plan d’urgence pour cet emplacement a déjà été activé et notre numéro de contact est [00 33 XX XX XX XX]