Listed buildings and places
Les bâtisses et endraits historique
29 (Freshwinds) & 29½ (Sandown), Havre des Pas, St. Helier.
This report has been prepared by Jersey Heritage as part of its responsibility under a Service Level Agreement to provide reports and recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Environment on the architectural, historical, archaeological and other significance of buildings and places.
The assessment undertaken and the recommendation given in relation to the above building and place is made under the auspices of Article 51 of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law, 2002; and the criteria for the listing and grading of heritage assets adopted and published by the Minister for Planning and Environment.
The report also includes the views and advice offered by the Listing Advisory Group in relation to the assessment of this building and place.
Author of report: Roger Hills BA(Hons) MA DipBldgCons (RICS) IHBC - Head of Historic Buildings
Date of report: 04/07/2013
File ref: HE1096 & HE1097
Special interests of the site
The buildings scheduled in this report are of inadequate historical, architectural or other interests and do not satisfy the published criteria for Listing.
29 (Freshwinds) and 29½ (Sandown) are a pair of modest late C19 seaside villas. The original exterior detailing to Freshwinds has been altered and its contribution to the promenade streetscape is of limited interest. Sandown retains more original exterior detailing but is mainly significant for its contribution, with its pair, to the promenade streetscape. Given the relatively late date of these properties, which requires a greater degree of selectivity for listing, and the overall external alterations that have taken place to the pair, it is proposed that both should be considered for de-listing.
Advice offered by MLAG (and others if stated)
MLAG assessed the grading of these buildings at their meeting on 12/12/2011. Members were of the opinion that the buildings should be listed as grade 4 for their streetscape value.
Jersey Heritage recommendation
De-list for the reasons stated above.
Location plan