Reason(s) for Decision: Having regard for all of the relevant considerations – including the applicants’ submissions, the comments of objectors and the Department report – the Minister has resolved to APPROVE the planning application. The following REASON FOR APPROVAL will be included within the Decision Notice. Permission has been granted having taken into account the relevant policies of the approved Island Plan, together with other relevant policies and all other material considerations, including the consultations and representations received. The application involves the demolition of a Listed Building – Grade 2. Under normal circumstances, the demolition of such a building – one which has considerable historical and architectural significance – would not be permitted. However, the Minister for Planning and Environment acknowledges the strong case made by the applicants. Specifically, there is a need for Jersey Airport to comply with the requirements of the aerodrome license, as set out within the Air Navigation (Jersey) Order, and the Civil Aviation Authority regulations. The 1937 Building represents a hazardous obstacle which infringes the 1:7 Transitional Surface, and also prevents the proper alignment of the Alpha taxiway, thereby preventing compliance with these regulations. Its retention would severely affect the safety and operational capabilities of Jersey Airport. On balance, the requirements of Jersey Airport are considered to be the over-riding and determinative factor in this instance, and as such, the demolition of the building is considered to be reasonable. Prior to its demolition, a programme of recording of the existing structure will be undertaken to ensure that a record of the building is retained. In addition, the following CONDITIONS & REASONS will be included within the Decision Notice. - Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a full record of the building shall be undertaken. This shall take the form of a Standing Building Survey which will be outlined in a Written Scheme of Investigation in response to a Brief produced by the Department of the Environment. Both the Written Scheme of Investigation and the Standing Building Survey shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Minister for Planning and Environment.
REASON: To ensure that, prior to its demolition, a full survey of the building is undertaken so that a record is preserved, in accordance with Policy HE 1 of the 2011 Island Plan. - If hidden historic features are revealed during the course of works they should be retained in-situ until examined by the Minister for Planning and Environment. Works shall be suspended in the relevant area of the building and the Minister for Planning and Environment notified immediately with a view to agreeing the appropriate action. Thereafter, these features shall be recorded in accordance with the provisions of condition no. 1 above. Failure to do so may result in unauthorised works being carried out and an offence being committed.
REASON: To ensure that, in the event that any hidden features are found, they shall be duly examined and recorded under the provisions of Policy HE 1 of the 2011 Island Plan. - Any significant features or materials ( as may be identified in accordance with conditions 1 and / or 2 above) which are capable of architectural salvage, shall be carefully salvaged, stored and offered to local heritage bodies ( or other appropriate bodies) free of charge.
REASON: To ensure that such features, where appropriate, are not lost and are offered for re-use in an appropriate capacity and location in accordance with Policies GD1 & HE 1 of the 2011 Island Plan. - Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a schedule of works which indicates how the site will be ‘made good’ following the demolition, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Minister for Planning and Environment. This shall include, inter alia, details of new surfacing materials, boundary treatments and security measures for instance.
REASON: To ensure that a suitable scheme of making good, once demolition is complete, is provided, in accordance with Policy GD 1 of the 2011 Island Plan. - Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a 'Site Waste Management Plan' shall be submitted to, and agreed in writing by, the Minister for Planning and Environment'. Such a plan shall provide details of the following;
a) the measures which are to be taken to minimise the wastes arising, and any opportunities for the recycling, re-use or recovery of as much waste material as possible; and b) the opportunities to maximise the on-site management of waste. REASON: In order to accord with the requirements of Policy WM 1 of the 2011 Island Plan. |