Purpose of the Report
The Minister for Planning and Environment (The Minister) is requested to approve the proposed monitoring programme of treated water for 2015 that was submitted by The Jersey New Waterworks Company Limited (Jersey Water).
Under Article 10(4) of the Water (Jersey) Law, 1972 as Amended, Jersey Water is required to submit its monitoring programme for treated water each year for the approval by The Minister.
The monitoring programme submitted has been reviewed by the Department of the Environment in consultation with Environmental Health of Health and Social Services and is deemed fit for purpose.
A copy of the proposed monitoring schedule for 2015 is attached to this report.
The monitoring programme is based on best practice in England and Wales in accordance with The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000 (England and Wales).
Jersey Water continues to move towards a targeted and cost-effective risk-based approach to its monitoring programme; whereby the sampling frequency, location and the determinants sampled is based on a thorough examination of use (likely occurrence within Jersey Waters) and risk to the water supply/consumer.
This approach will also allow monitoring resources to be re-directed towards areas of concern on the raw water network complementing the introduction of Water Safety Plans (a catchment, risk-based approach to resource management)
Jersey Water does not propose any changes to its 2014 monitoring schedule.
- The Minister approves the proposed monitoring programme submitted by Jersey Water for the calendar year 2015.
ii. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Notify Jersey Water confirming approval of the monitoring programme for 2015.
Written by: Head of Water Resources, Environment Department
Approved by: Director of Environmental Protection
Proposed Regulatory Monitoring Schedule for the Year 2015 - Jersey Water
[File Ref]
Ministerial Decision ref: MD-PE-2014-0081
25 September 2014
Proposed Regulatory Monitoring Schedule For The Year 2015
Water Supply Zones
It is proposed that Jersey Water follow the same risk assessment based monitoring programme for 2015 as used in 2014.
Table 2
Check monitoring |
Parameter | Proposed Sampling Frequency |
E.coli | 12 per 5,000 population ie 240 |
Coliform bacteria |
Residual disinfectant |
Aluminium | 76 |
Ammonium | 76 |
Colony counts | 76 |
Colour | 76 |
Conductivity | 76 |
Cyanide 2 | 76 |
Hydrogen ion | 76 |
Iron | 76 |
Manganese | 76 |
Nitrate | 76 |
Nitrite | 76 |
Odour | 76 |
Taste | 76 |
Turbidity | 76 |
Table 2 (cont’d)
Audit monitoring |
Parameter | Proposed Sampling Frequency |
Aluminium | Sample as check |
Antimony | 1 |
Arsenic | 1 |
Benzene | 1 |
Boron | 1 |
Cadmium | 1 |
Chromium | 1 |
Copper | 8 |
Cyanide | Sample as check |
1,2 dichloroethane | 1 |
Enterococci | 8 |
Iron | Sample as check |
Lead | 8 |
Manganese | Sample as check |
Nickel | 1 |
Nitrate | Sample as check |
Nitrite | Sample as check |
Pesticides and related products | 8 |
Selenium | 1 |
Sodium | 1 |
Trichloroethene } Tetrachloroethene } | 1 |
Tetrachloromethane | 1 |
Trihalomethanes | 8 |
Chloride | 1 |
Sulphate | 1 |
Total organic carbon | 8 |
Gross alpha | 4 |
Gross beta | 4 |
The Company uses aluminium sulphate as a flocculant in the primary treatment process, therefore the sample frequency for aluminium will be at the check monitoring frequency.
As the water the Company uses originates from, or is influenced by, surface waters, the sampling frequency for iron and manganese will be at the check monitoring frequency.
The Company uses the chloramination disinfection process, therefore the sampling frequency for nitrate and nitrite will be at the check monitoring frequency.
Treatment Works and Supply Points
The Company has two water treatment works located at Augres WTW and Handois WTW. Both treatment works use clarifiers (chemical assisted sedimentation) for primary treatment, followed by rapid gravity filtration using dual media (anthracite and sand). During 2013 Augres WTW supplied an average of 9,631 m3/d and Handois WTW 9,668 m3/d.
The Company has a treated water service reservoirs (SR) at Westmount Road, St. Helier (9Ml capacity) and Les Platons, Trinity (9Ml capacity).
For the purpose of the monitoring regulations, Augres WTW and Handois WTW will be referred to as treatment works and all of the above sites (Augres WTW, Handois WTW, Westmount SR and Les Platons SR) will count as supply points.
Table 3 in schedule 3 of the Regulations sets out the frequency of sampling the treatment works or supply points as listed below.
Table 3
Item no | Substances and parameters | Proposed Sampling Frequency |
1 | E.coli | 208 |
2 | Coliform bacteria | 208 |
3 | Colony counts | 208 |
4 | Nitrite | 104 |
5 | Residual disinfectant | 208 |
6 | Turbidity | 208 |
Subject to check monitoring |
8 | Conductivity | 52 |
Subject to audit monitoring |
9 | Benzene | 1 |
10 | Boron | 1 |
11 | Bromate | 8 |
12 | Cyanide | 8 |
13 | 1,2 dichloroethane | 1 |
14 | Fluoride | 1 |
16 | Nitrite | Sample as check |
17 | Pesticides and related products | 8 |
18 | Trichloroethene } Tetrachloroethene } | 1 |
19 | Tetrachloromethane | 1 |
20 | Chloride | 1 |
21 | Sulphate | 1 |
22 | Total organic carbon | 8 |
24 | Gross alpha | 4 |
25 | Gross beta | 4 |
Parameters labelled as items 1 to 6 for sampling at the treatment works only.
Parameters labelled as items 7 to 25 are for sampling at supply points.
The Company uses the chloramination disinfection process, therefore the sampling frequency for nitrite will be at the check monitoring frequency as listed under item 4 in table 3.
The Company does not add sodium hypochlorite after the water has left the treatment works, therefore audit monitoring for bromate (a possible disinfection by-product) shall take place at the supply points.
Check monitoring of nitrite at the treatment works will continue at the reduced rate - results for the last two years have been well below the EU regulatory limit of 0.1 mg/l, the highest result being 0.016 mg/l.
It is proposed that analysis for the parameters given in the monitoring schedules will be undertaken by either the Company laboratory or their consulting analysts.
7th May 2014
Pesticides analysed for at the supply points and in the supply zone
Phenoxyalkanoic Acid Herbicides Oxynil Herbicides
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) 2,4-D.B. Bromoxynil
M.C.P.A. Chlorthal (supply points only) Ioxynil
2,4-D Triclopyr
Mecoprop Dichlorprop Triazole
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid Dicamba
2,3,6-Trichlorobenzoic acid M.C.P.B Propiconazole
Urea Herbicides Triazines
Chlortoluron Isoproturon Atrazine Simazine
Linuron Diuron Prometryn Propazine
Carbetamide Monolinuron Trietazine Terbutryn
Methabenzthiazuron Terbuthylazine Cyanazine
Carbamate Others
Chlorpropham Glyphosate
Oxamyl Bentazone