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Plemont Holiday Village - ground floor and elevation plans

​House ground floor plans and elevations

The proposed new houses are grouped into 3 principal clusters, seen as traditional “hamlets” which should echo groupings of dwellings elsewhere in the parish.  Each cluster is described as South-East, North-East and North-West.

A group of 12 houses is proposed in the North-West cluster of the site with another group of 12 houses in the South-East cluster. A further 4 houses are proposed on the site currently occupied by the existing site manager’s bungalow.

All houses are proposed to be in a traditional style again reflecting other buildings in the parish, eg granite.

Plans and elevations

Note that some of these download files are very large and may take a while to open. We have lowered the resolution as far as we can but check the file size before downloading.

Download PlĂ©mont ground floor plans and elevations house 1 and 2 (size 1.5mb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 3 and 4 (size 1.77mb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 5,6,7 (size 2.04mb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 8 and 9 (size 696kb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 10 and 11 (size 1.63mb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 12 (size 1.02mb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 13 (size 885kb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 14 (size 4.43mb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 15 (size 752kb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 16 (size 1.12mb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 17,18,19 (size 4.94mb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 20,21,22 (size 2.87mb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 23,24,25 (size 1.56mb)
Download Plémont ground floor plans and elevations house 26,27,28 (size 1.81mb)

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