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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Acute Hospital at Overdale

​​​​​​​​The New Healthcare Facilities Programme

The New Healthcare Facilities Programme will redevelop Jersey’s healthcare estate over the next 10 years to meet future needs. 

The journey so far

It's widely accepted that there is a need for a major upgrade to the healthcare facilities for Islanders. The provision of the new healthcare facilities seeks to provide Islanders with high-quality healthcare facilities. 

The Programme sets out to build on the work undertaken over the last 10 years to deliver healthcare facilities, ensuring that knowledge gained under former schemes including the Future Hospital Project and Our Hospital Project, has been retained.

The programme since 2022

November 2022: Independent Review into the Our Hospital Project

An independent review into the Our Hospital project was undertaken and presented to the States Assembly in November 2022. It provided advice to the Assembly about whether changes could be made to deliver a more affordable and appropriate alternative to the single-site solution. 

The review concluded that the plan for a single-site hospital at Overdale was no longer achievable within funding that had been approved by the last States Assembly, and it recommended that the plan be replaced with a phased development across multiple sites.

It also concluded that a relocation of the current plans to the existing hospital site at Gloucester Street would be unaffordable. 

It would face other significant challenges, including planning and risk arising from working within and adjacent to an operational hospital site. 

Spring 2023: Strategic Outline Case

The Strategic Outline Case (SOC) was developed during Spring 2023 and was endorsed by the Council of Ministers in June 2023. The SOC primarily set out the Case for Change, which is the urgent requirement for new facilities as the existing ones continue to deteriorate and fail to meet modern standards. 

The SOC identified Critical Success Factors and spending objectives for the new facilities, and a long list of possible interventions were evaluated against the following Critical Success Factors and other scoring criteria, to arrive at the preferred way forward.

Critical Success Factors:

  1. aligns with Health and Care​​ Jersey ​continued operational delivery of services and reflects the critical priority for reprovision
  2. supports the safety and wellbeing of staff, patient and public in the delivery of high quality, accessible, efficient, and effective physical and mental healthcare
  3. is affordable and enables financial and economic risks to be managed
  4. is sufficiently flexible, expandable, and able to maximise emerging technologies and innovation to deliver current and future effective and efficient healthcare
  5. enables construction to commence in 2025 and maximise opportunities to utilise the local supply chain and Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)
  6. provides the best whole life cost (including revenue and staffing costs) and value to the local economy
  7. the programme is politically acceptable, sustainable, and deliverable
  8. aligns with the Government of Jersey policies, strategies, and current Carbon Neutral Roadmap

Based on the evaluation, the SOC recommended that services should be delivered across multiple sites for Acute, Ambulatory and Mental Health on a phased basis. A one site solution was not as favourable as a multi-site solution when compared to the Critical Success Factors, including being unable to manage financial risk.

Spring 2023: Feasibility Study

At the same time as developing the Strategic Outline Case, a feasibility study to understand the best location for the new facilities was conducted. 

Following focused clinical engagement and an expert evaluation of environmental, infrastructure, planning, heritage, construction and economic factors between January and May 2023, the Feasibility Study presented to Ministers concluded that a multi-site healthcare delivery in Jersey is achievable, and provides a number of significant benefits when compared to former single-site proposals.

There were 2 options evaluated:

Option A, which included:

  • Ambulatory facility at Overdale
  • Acute Hospital at Kensington Place
  • St Saviour's Health Village
  • Enid Quenault Health and​ Wellbeing Centre

Option B, which included:

  • Acute Hospital at Overdale
  • Ambulatory Facility at Kensington Place
  • St Saviour's Health Village
  • Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre

Why was Option B selected

Option B was selected because:

  • Option B scored higher in all evaluation questions than Option A, and significantly higher in the evaluation by clinicians, who rated Option B ‘Very Good’, while Option A was only ‘Adequate’
  • the preliminary timeline for Option B shows construction complete for the Acute Hospital by 2028, earlier than 
  • Option A by four years. it uses both sites to their best potential, optimising the use of Modern Methods of Construction and minimising the delays in construction due to site size and accessibility
  • it minimises the impact of construction vibration and noise on the sickest patients, which could be more significant in Option A
  • it provides the opportunity for better and more efficient clinical adjacencies, where clinical teams are located, due to the larger size of the Overdale site
  • outpatient and day care facilities will remain in town with greatest ease of pedestrian access, public transport, and parking, including access to the Urgent Treatment Centre
  • it will provide peaceful treatment and recovery space for inpatients at Overdale, with increased privacy compared to a town location
  • it provides increased capacity for future expansion on both sites, compared to Option A

Based on this, the New Healthcare Facilities Programme proposes a plan to deliver healthcare services across multiple sites.

The Acute Hospital at Overdale will include:

  • emergency department 
  • women and children's services
  • operating theatres 
  • inpatient wards

Outpatients and Ambulatory services at Kensington Place and Gloucester Street will include:

  • walk-in treatment Centre 
  • diagnostic testing 
  • outpatients clinics
  • day surgery

The Health Village in St Saviour will include:

  • mental health services
  • rehabilitation and stepdown beds 
  • hydrotherapy and therapies

The Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre at Les Quennevais is currently home to a range of therapies and services which used to be delivered at Overdale.​


The timeline will become more certain as the design becomes more fixed and once further discussions have taken place with the supply chain.

Phase Timeline
Demolition at OverdaleEnd of 2023 to the end of 2024
Planning submittedSeptember 2024
Development works to startAutumn 2024 to Autumn 2025
Construction planned to startSummer 2025
Construction planned to completeEnd of 2028

​ ​

​Next steps

Planning application

A planning application for the Acute Hospital at Overdale was submitted in early September 2024.

Executive summary of planning application P/2024/1025​

Planning application: P/2024/1025​

This follows a period of public consultation in May 2024, when the concept designs were shared with the public. In addition to consultation with Islanders, we spoke with:

  • community groups
  • businesses
  • regulators
  • other organisations

The site master plan has evolved to respond to those conversations and stakeholder engagement. It has resulted in changes to create a more robust design solution.

You can see the designs and find out more information about the Acute Hospital on Monday 16 September 2pm to 7:30pm, at St Helier Town Hall Assembly Room.

The planning application includes documents assessing the impact of the scheme and the relationship with planning policy.

The key documents include:

Design Statement

The document explains the overall concept and design decisions for the scheme

Planning Statement

This will provide an overview of the scheme, the way in which it addresses planning policy and the overall planning benefits of the scheme

Environmental Impact Statement

This document is the output of the Environmental Impact Assessment process which identifies both positive and negative environmental effects of the proposal and the way in which the scheme has sought to minimise adverse impacts, whilst enhancing any positive impacts. There is a non-technical summary that provides an overview of all of the studies that have been carried out.

Statement of Community Participation

This explains the public engagement strategy and how and where the design has responded to feedback

Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan

This sets out initial thinking about how the scheme would be constructed, and managed. The Plan will be normally developed through the next stages to ensure that there is a complete plan that is verified by regulators ahead of any construction. 

Getting ready for construction

Before the main construction of the Acute Hospital, we need to prepare the site. Hoarding will be erected around the site boundary. A groundworks contractor will prepare the site for construction. The site accommodation and welfare facilities will also be installed in preparation for the main construction activities. These activities form part of the development works, previously granted under the former Planning Application. 

The Programme team are exploring all opportunities for Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). This will increase quality and safety. Proposals for MMC will be developed in the next stage.

Building the hospital

Once the site is prepared, the main contractor will commence with substructure works consisting of piling, piling caps and pad foundations. Using a multiple tower crane strategy, the works continue with the basement construction including retaining walls. An on-site concrete batching plant, to assist with continuity of supply and reduce the number of trips to the site, could be a consideration.

The substructure and superstructure will be constructed and planned in a sequential manner with concrete pours initially focusing on primary structures on an area-by-area basis starting with lower-levels and rising as the building gains height.  

Once the structure for each area is complete, the building envelope, roof, façade and windows will be installed to create a degree of watertightness on a level-by-level basis allowing internal first fix elements to commence.  

The internal fit-out works will gather more traction once the building is substantially watertight, with numerous trades, Mechanical, Electrical and Public Health (MEP), walls and partitions, specialist clinical systems, ceilings and decorations, all working in a planned arrangement.

Each department and area will go through stringent pre-commissioning and commissioning activities allowing construction ‘completion’.

A clinical commissioning process will be undertaken in readiness for the hospital opening.

Managing the construction impacts 

The Programme is committed to being a considerate constructor and a good neighbour to local residents, businesses and organisations.

We are continuing to develop construction methodologies that are appropriate for the environment in which the works will be undertaken, and these have been captured in the draft Construction Environmental Management Plan as part of the Planning Application. 

We would like to reassure Islanders that the following considerations and provisions are being made to ensure we limit any impacts as much as possible to those in the surrounding area:

Access and traffic management

Construction traffic will access and egress the site through the existing entrance and exit roads at the Overdale site. Movement of traffic, including deliveries and waste removal, will be carefully managed to avoid peak periods.

The highway will be kept clean and vehicles will be required to wash their wheels prior to exiting. 

Larger vehicle deliveries will take place in accordance with the Island’s legislations with cognisance taken to vehicle weights, sizes and limitations.

Local transport and car sharing usage will be encouraged and a purpose area for construction parking has been planned.

For the safety of all, on-site vehicular and pedestrian segregation will be strictly enforced. 

Minimising construction impacts

Plant and equipment will be selected for their minimum output of dust, noise and vibration.

Construction activities or any noise generating works will take place during set periods which will be agreed with relevant authorities. 

Working hours during the construction phase would be:

  • Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6pm
  • Saturday 8am to 1pm, with no noisy activities 1pm to 6pm
  • Sunday, no noisy activity

By no noisy activities, we mean activities that do not generate noise beyond the perimeter of the site. For example, painting, cleaning, MEP testing, commissioning and office-based work. 

Noise will be limited and agreed as part of the planning process.

Off-site construction techniques will be adopted where possible reducing on-site activities.

Temporary perimeter fencing 

Solid perimeter hoarding, a minimum of 2.4 metres high, will be erected around the site. The boundary facing the Crematorium will be higher, at four metres, to ensure greater privacy and respect for this sensitive zone.


Carbon reduction techniques will be considered i.e. batteries, green energy in lieu of diesel and fossil fuels.

Waste will be kept to a minimum with specific waste management plans prepared and followed.

Tree protection

To inform the Planning Application, we will be undertaking arboriculture surveys to inform the project’s tree loss mitigation strategy.

Environmental monitoring​

Onsite construction activities will be measured for their impact on the environment. For example, air, soil, water, waste and noise. The role of this process is to reduce the environmental impact of the development to residents and businesses.

Why we need new healthcare facilities

The need for change

It is widely accepted that there is a need for a major upgrade to the healthcare facilities for Islanders. 

Our dedicated healthcare professionals continue to provide clinical care for Islanders despite the aged buildings that will soon not have enough inpatient beds to meet the needs of our population, who are living longer with more complex health needs. 

The current facilities do not meet requirements for privacy and dignity standards, do not facilitate modern healthcare practices, and present daily challenges to patients and staff.

The provision of the New Healthcare Facilities seeks to provide Islanders with first class healthcare facilities that are fit for 21st century needs. New facilities will give patients access to and provision of quality and efficient services that will contribute to the overall health and well-being of Islanders.

The benefits of delivering multi-site healthcare

It future-proofs our services by:

  • creating a long-term plan for the Island’s healthcare estate 
  • providing substantial scope for future expansion over the sites
  • separating emergency and outpatient services, dispersing traffic, reducing congestion and parking requirements
  • providing Health facilities that Islanders need 
  • delivering an additional 134 beds over the whole Programme, as well as a range of therapies including hydrotherapy and physiotherapy
  • ensuring a home for services that were not part of former hospital schemes
  • delivering extra space needed as part of Healthcare Estate plan

It reduces the impact of construction and:

  • doesn’t place all the financial or construction risk into 1 solution and 1 delivery partner
  • doesn’t require substantial changes to Westmount Road, Jersey Bowls Club or Westmount Terrace
  • reduces the impact on the natural and built environment, delivering buildings better suited to their surroundings

It creates opportunities by:

  • increasing opportunities for local construction involvement
  • creating additional public space, especially on Gloucester Street
  • returning space and sites for other uses, such as Key Worker accommodation

An Acute Hospital at Overdale

Find below a panoramic view of the Acute Hospital at Overdale.

Panoramic view of the Acute Hospital at Overdale

The immediate priority, and first major development for the Programme, is to deliver an Acute Hospital. Overdale is the preferred site for the location of the Acute Hospital. 

The Acute Hospital will provide for the Island’s sickest patients, for those who require an overnight hospital stay. Compared to Jersey General Hospital, the Acute Hospital at Overdale will be a much quieter environment within a landscaped setting, ensuring optimal conditions for patient care and recovery. Islanders will primarily access the Acute Hospital services through either ambulance arrivals for emergencies, or planned procedures requiring overnight stays.

The facility will provide a range of emergency and elective care services for Islanders, including:

  • an emergency department
  • critical care
  • a women’s and children’s centre
  • elective and emergency operating theatres
  • the majority of Inpatient wards
  • all inpatient wards where an overnight stay is required

The benefits of a new Acute Hospital

The Acute Hospital will provide a wide range of benefits to patients, staff and the wider community. 

Benefits to patients include:

  • safe, reliable and quality-assured care with improved and predictable outcomes for patients and parity for mental health
  • improved patient satisfaction and experience, optimising the privacy and dignity of patients
  • facilities which address the healthcare needs of all patients
  • continued provision of immediate and urgent care
  • hospital environment and internal architecture which supports the health and well-being of patients and their families
  • delivering greater accessibility for all and better signposting and wayfinding

Benefits to services include:

  • increased integration and enabling greater efficiency across services
  • greater flexibility to changes in demand and evolving standards in clinical practice
  • healthcare facilities which are to the standard expected by Islanders and are compliant with best practice building standards
  • efficiency and resilience as a result of multiple sites
  • creation of facilities that adhere to environmental targets

Benefits to staff include:

  • increase job satisfaction, staff wellbeing and staff retention due to improved facilities and physical surroundings
  • support the development of staff skills including education and training
  • greater standardisation of facilities including room layout and equipment

Benefits to the wider community include: 

  • enhancement of local public realm and access to the valley
  • job creation opportunities for local residents, through construction and the hospital itself
  • development of apprenticeships and increased training opportunities
  • hospital provision for community diversity

Benefits of the Acute Hospital design

The Acute Hospital design provides:

  • a modern, fit-for-purpose healthcare facility briefed and designed following hundreds of clinical user groups
  • a sympathetic building form with taller elements stepped away from the surrounding community and Westmount Road
  • multiple, dispersed entrance points to maximise flexibility and access requirements such as:
    • accessible parking
    • bus and car drop-off zones
    • ​patient transport services
  • flexible, modular design approach to ensure future-proofing as clinical requirements change
  • designed around a central concourse to promote public/clinical information exchanges and knowledge 
  • design crafted to allow maximum daylight, reduction of solar gain and creation of safe, wind-protected environments, maximising opportunities for Sustainable and Low Carbon Design
  • arrangement of inpatient bedrooms maximising coastline and valley views, proven to support health recovery

Clinical services and layout

The hospital layout has been thoughtfully designed to support patient-focused spaces for optimal conditions to benefit patient care and recovery. 

Departments are located to ensure essential relationships between clinical units and to optimise the flow of patients within the hospital. The compact clustering of services around a central hub reduce long internal travel distances, with lifts strategically placed throughout the building, providing step-free access to all floors of the hospital, whilst maintaining a separation of flows, to ensure a patient traveling between departments does not share any routes with public visitors.

The hospital layout

The Acute Hospital at Overdale comprises:

Lower Ground Floor

The lower ground floor maximises the natural ground slope, minimising excavation while making use of available space. This floor is designed to promote sustainable commuting for staff by prioritising accessibility for those choosing alternative modes of transportation.

Details of this floor include:

  • staff welfare amenities include shower, changing facilities and convenient bike racks, accessible via the active travel route
  • accommodates departments such as pathology and hospital equipment stores
  • houses vital plant equipment like cold water tanks, electrical switchgear, and back up generators

Ground Floor

Serving as the primary point of entry, the central concourse is a versatile public space facilitating seamless access to all hospital areas.

Essential Services include:

  • Emergency Department
  • Obstetric, Paediatric Inpatients, and Newborn Unit 
  • Functional and Support Areas, including inpatient Pharmacy
  • Endoscopy Unit, dedicated entrance at the north-east of the building
  • multifaith room
  • café area

First Floor

This floor contains surgical, operating theatres and inpatient areas:

  • operating theatres, situated on the northern side of the building
  • inpatient wards, positioned to capture coastal views. Each of the six 30-bed wards contains 22 ensuite facilities and two 4 bed bays, providing comfort and privacy during patients’ recovery
  • delivery suite, with dedicated entrance, close to the operating theatre if needed and placed directly above the neonatal ward on the ground floor to ensure efficient care pathways
  • women and children's inpatient areas

Second Floor

This floor contains two inpatient wards mirroring the layout of the first-floor wards, designed for comfort and continuity of care. These wards provide a familiar environment for staff to enable improved care, whilst utilising the views from Overdale for the patients and visitors.

The floor also contains the essential air handling units and medical gas plant which are efficiently positioned directly above the theatres and critical care below to support those units.

Third and Fourth Floors

The third floor focuses on elevated patient comfort, with two additional 30-bed inpatient wards replicating the floor below. In addition, a dedicated 30-bed private patient ward is included which can also be used as flexible expansion.

The fourth floor houses plant infrastructure, including air source heat pumps to maintain optimal temperatures, and water and ventilation plantrooms to ensure the smooth operation of systems.

Acute Hospital design concepts

Developing the design space concepts​

The shape of the building has been designed with clinical function at the forefront while also considering the site's context. The highest point of the hospital is away from the majority of residential areas, and the upper floors are pushed towards the centre of the site and the western valley to provide beneficial views to help patients’ recovery.

A range of building forms have been explored during concept design. The design responds to clinical, physical and environmental factors.

The 'pinwheel' concept

The design of the hospital is based on the concept of a 'pinwheel', which is typically used in the planning of healthcare and university campuses. The ‘heart’ at the centre of the pinwheel serves both as the pivotal point for access and creates an important internal space for staff and the public.

The space takes the form of a ground floor central concourse with multiple access points which provide clear designated clinical zones. The central concourse is a dynamic space designed for engagement and flexibility. The entrance to the concourse needs to help reduce anxiety and provide a transitional space to the more formal clinical areas.

The pinwheel design supports the provision of multiple access points for resilience and flexibility. This opens access to the hospital from all sides so that the building is not locked down by pre-determined access points and will be able to respond to any future clinical requirements.

Proposed building height

The hospital will be stepped over five floors, with a smaller top floor to house some of the hospital’s central plant areas.

Great care has been taken to maximise patient views, balanced against the impact the associated hospital height will have from a distance. These are considered in the Planning process as Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIAs).

Views from the Acute Hospital

The views from the hospital support the recovery of inpatients, benefitting from the site’s altitude of 60 metres above sea level. There are elevated views around most of the site, including coastal and long-distance views. The views towards the crematorium and cemetery have been carefully considered in the design.

Proposed building scale

The proposed development area of the Acute Hospital is around 47,500 square metres. To provide a comparative indication of the size of the central concourse of the Acute Hospital, the scale of the area is similar to the public realm space at Broad Street.

The emerging site master plan

Key features of the Acute Hospital master plan

The Acute Hospital at Overdale is being developed to provide the best hospital possible while optimising the use of the site. 

The design takes into account sensitivity of neighbours and surrounding buildings by being considerate of privacy, overlooking and environmental intrusion.

The master plan shows improvements to existing paths in West Park and Westmount Gardens to provide a proposed alternative route for cyclists and pedestrians:

  • pedestrian entrances planned to enable clear and accessible access from all arrival and transport modes
  • landscaped car parking will include designated bays for patients, staff and visitors
  • accessible car parking provided close to southern entrance, including public and taxi drop-off zones to further aid accessibility
  • bus stop provided at northern entrance to facilitate public transport
  • ambulance access to the Emergency Department immediately off Westmount Road
  • central internal concourse to provide direct access to all departments and create a focal heart for the hospital 
  • the plans do not significantly re-align and widen Westmount Road. Some highway upgrade works will be necessary to reduce vehicle conflicts and improve pedestrian safety by increasing footway and carriageway widths 
  • Active Travel Routes through West Park and Westmount Gardens will include upgrades to existing and creation of new routes with links to existing pathway networks
  • integration and enhancement of greenspaces and public realm to support health and wellbeing for patients, staff and public
  • discrete and screened Facilities Management/ Support Services access and yard 
  • reuse of the existing Jersey Water Building as a Facilities Management hub
  • retention of houses east of Westmount Road
  • retention of bowling club
  • arrangement of inpatient bedrooms to maximise views

Access and connectivity

The Acute Hospital at Overdale must be accessible for all members of the community with different levels of mobility and needs. Islanders will be able to use different methods of transport and active travel options to get to Overdale. Pedestrian routes are planned to provide better connectivity to, from and through the site.

Westmount Road

There are no plans for significant re-aligning and widening of Westmount Road. This is possible because the majority of patient journeys will be to the Ambulatory (Outpatients, day case and minor injuries walk-in) facility which will be located at Kensington Place, and therefore limits the works required to Westmount Road. 

Although the proposal will generate an increase of traffic in the surrounding area of the Acute Hospital, analysis has shown that there will be no new traffic on the wider highway network.

Access will be maintained from all directions using Westmount Road, with journeys from Tower Road and St Aubin’s Road providing wider connection into the highway network.

The scheme will be further developed, in discussion with key stakeholders about access options, with particular focus on minimising adjustments to the road, whilst acknowledging that some land take will be required.

Priority Give-way link

To manage the existing conflict, we are proposing a priority give-way running lenght between Hillcrest and Westmount Court. The scheme is being developed to allow flexibility for all users whilst prioritising emergency flows.

Road safety at ‘hairpin’

We are proposing to install a hazard warning signal at the ‘hairpin’ of Westmount Road. 

This would forewarn and stop any approaching traffic to give way for blue-light emergency vehicles. This proposal enables the retention of the existing two-way movement and minimises the works required.

Pergola path

Alterations are being considered to Pergola Path, including widening of the carriageway and footway. This also includes retaining walls in between the path and footway to ensure a better travel experience for both vehicles, specifically large vehicles, and pedestrians but also to minimise impact on the ​Pergola Path.

Wider connectivity

We are looking at proposals to improve Peirson Road and the junction at Cheapside, Old St John’s Road, and St John’s Road, in order to improve connectivity between the Acute and Ambulatory Hospitals.

It will include formalising pedestrian routes and enhancing pavement areas with planting. We are also proposing two signal junctions at the St Aubin’s Road and Peirson Road, and at the Westmount Road and Peirson Road junctions to facilitate the increased trips to Overdale.

A principle aim of the road network amendments in this area will be to retain as many existing parking spaces as possible. 

West Park and Le Val André

An active travel route is proposed to be incorporated through West Park and Westmount Gardens which will provide a safer route away from vehicle movement for pedestrians and cyclists accessing Overdale.

The active travel routes build upon the extensive existing West Park pathway and will take advantage of the adjacent woodland area.

The scheme will look to minimise impact on the existing network where possible whilst improving the routes where necessary to enhance the public’s access to the hospital through West Park. The main active travel route is accessed via St Aubin’s Road where there will be a new controlled crossing to enhance pedestrian safety.

The design for the routes is being developed with proposals such as low-level lighting to make sure the route is safe for all users, while mitigating the ecological impacts. We are doing everything we can to make the active travel routes as accessible as possible, whilst respecting ecological constraints. We are looking for areas where gradients can be reduced and there will also be rest awhile stops.

Further extension of the Active Travel Route is being explored which could take the form of signal crossings across St Aubin’s Road and Victoria Avenue to connect to the established Cycleway. A suitable step ramp or wheeling ramp is being considered to allow all users to continue their journey using Lower Park.

Landscape and ecology

The approach to the hospital landscape design is to start with what is most important which is the patients and staff. The landscape design seeks to protect and enhance natural assets to help assist with patient recovery. The spaces around the hospital have been designed so that patients, staff, and visitors are able to see and access this landscape.

The Landscape master plan is based on 4 key principles: 

  • Climate Emergency 
  • Biodiversity and Ecology
  • Sustainability 
  • Resilience

The objective is to deliver a strong response which integrates the existing landscape and ecological character of the area, and which will provide a strong green context for the new Acute Hospital. The landscape design will support the sustainability targets to maximise improvements in biodiversity and urban greening.

Key connections and wayfinding

Eastern Arrival

An open area with native woodland planting and an evergreen avenue of trees will frame the arrival space, guiding visitors and staff from the bus drop-off and adjoining car parks to the hospital entrance. 

Southern Boulevard

This area combines a public plaza with a tranquil garden space. The outdoor area at this entrance will be divided into planting zones and various seating options placed throughout.

West Entrance

A landscaped woodland garden with a social meeting space has been provided close to the entrance, overlooked from the central area above. Native trees frame the social space and guide visitors and staff into the hospital.

Building related landscape


Providing outdoor space in natural light within clinical environments has a positive effect on both staff and patients. It can help with recovery, aids sleep and relaxation, and supports better emotional wellbeing.

Vertical Greening

Strengthens the indoor and outdoor connection, helping purify the air, shield strong winds and offering solar shading.

Biodiverse roofs that can include solar panels

Extensive and intensive green roofs will be utilised across the hospital roofscape, increasing biodiversity. Intensive planted green roofs will utilise local species, providing both screening of the hospital in long distance views, and visual interest for patients and staff looking out of the windows.

Car parks

The Eastern Fields and Southern car parks will be connected to Westmount Road, St John’s Road and to active travel routes.

Surfaces are permeable with rainwater filtered to feed adjoining rain gardens, as well as underground drainage systems, reducing localised runoff. The rain garden will also directly collect rainwater which is redirected to irrigate planting borders.

Gardens and parklands

Woodland Therapy Gardens

Provide an accessible natural space to help lower stress levels, promote physical and neurological responses and aid patient recovery. The design of the path network is informal, exploratory and organic, with timber seating. 

An ecological and landscape management plan will be developed as part of the proposals to deliver biodiversity targets and ecological enhancement. 

The space offers a mosaic of native inspired planting typologies drawn from the native planting thriving in the adjoining West Park and Le Val André, including wildflower meadows, woodland ground cover, woodland shrubs and larger woodland trees. This will enhance the ecology of the area.

Health and wellbeing routes and active travel routes

These routes through the woodland benefit visitors, hospital staff and nearby local residents. Views of the woodland’s expansive canopy from the hospital will help to create a positive, healing environment.


Stainability is a core strategic principle for the New Healthcare Facilities Programme. Many of our current healthcare facilities are in poor condition with low efficiency and high operational costs, and there is an ongoing clinical need for safe, sustainable facilities.

The new Acute Hospital will dramatically reduce the carbon emissions associated with healthcare in Jersey in line with the Island’s commitments under the Carbon Neutral Roadmap.

Key sustainability principles for the Acute Hospital

Sustainability principles are being incorporated across the scheme.

These are some of the key elements:

  • one of the clear sustainability principles for the hospital development has been to move from fossil fuel dependency and provide an all-electric hospital, potentially supplemented with solar panels
  • supporting Island decarbonisation by reducing the dependency and inefficiency of oil to provide the building’s heating and hot water, and also reducing the associated carbon footprint by 90%
  • the team is measuring the embodied carbon to manage and improve the efficiency of the building design. This metric will be used to quantify an overall impact of the construction of the project in terms of carbon, and will be benchmarked against other hospitals
  • to support the wellbeing benefits associated with connecting patients with nature and working to improve the local environment, the project team is proposing to achieve a biodiversity net gain of at least 10%, with a target closer to 20%
  • the sustainability of the project will be measured through the BREEAM methodology, for which an 'Excellent' rating is being targeted for the Acute Hospital
  • in line with circular economy and waste reduction, the demolition of the current site is being managed to maximise retention of safe and useable material. This will reduce the need, cost and carbon associated with new material on the site, and will be used as part of the enabling works
  • the quantity and quality of urban greening is being evaluated and enhancement is being explored across the site alongside increased tree canopy cover, furthering biodiversity net gain

Sustainability targets

The project has developed targets to address the key areas of sustainability being considered. These targets achieve the standards set out under Planning requirements. They support the aspirations for the delivery of a hospital which reflects international sustainability best practice and is future-proofed in its design.

Construction works

Prior Information Notice (PIN) for the Acute Hospital construction​

We have published a Prior Information Notice (PIN) for the Acute Hospital at Overdale.

The PIN:

  • provides an early notification of our intentions to enter a formal tender process
  • informs Main Works Delivery Partners, and other related suppliers, of the upcoming opportunities and invites them to register their interest
  • allows the Programme team to assess the current market appetite before starting a formal tender process, expected to begin early in 2025

The work required for the Acute Hospital at Overdale is substantial and demands specialised experience. The publication of the PIN is an important step to ensure that the right suppliers, equipped with the necessary skills and expertise, are secured for this major infrastructure project.

To support the procurement process, the Programme team will be holding a series of webinar sessions for suppliers.

You can find more information about the Overdale Acute Hos​​pital PIN on Find-a-Tender on ​GOV.UK​​.

​To register your interest and receive information on the webinars email​​​

Planning process 

Over the past few months, we have spoken with community groups, businesses, regulators and other organisations, and those conversations have already played a vital role in developing our plans. The next step is to analyse the public’s feedback to the proposals presented at this consultation, incorporate these suggestions alongside the development of the detailed design of the Acute Hospital, and undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment.

The forthcoming planning application will include a number of documents assessing the impact of the scheme and the relationship with planning policy, including:

  • Design Statement. The document will explain the overall concept and design decisions for the scheme
  • Planning Statement. This will provide an overview of the scheme, the way in which it addresses planning policy and the overall planning benefits of the scheme
  • Environmental Impact Statement. This document is the output of the Environmental Impact Assessment process which identifies both positive and negative environmental effects of the proposal and the way in which the scheme has sought to minimise adverse impacts, whilst enhancing any positive impacts
  • Statement of Community Participation. This explains the public engagement strategy and how and where the design has responded to feedback
  • Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan. This will outline how the scheme would be constructed, and managed

Getting ready for construction

Before the main construction of the Acute Hospital, we need to prepare the site. Hoarding will be erected around the site boundary. A groundworks contractor will prepare the site for construction. The site accommodation and welfare facilities will also be installed in preparation for the main construction activities. These activities form part of the development works, previously granted under the former Planning Application. 

The Programme team are exploring all opportunities for Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). This will increase quality and safety. Proposals for MMC will be developed in the next stage.

Building the hospital

Once the site is prepared, the main contractor will commence with substructure works consisting of piling, piling caps and pad foundations. Using a multiple tower crane strategy, the works continue with the basement construction including retaining walls. An on-site concrete batching plant, to assist with continuity of supply and reduce the number of trips to the site, could be a consideration.

The substructure and superstructure will be constructed and planned in a sequential manner with concrete pours initially focusing on primary structures on an area-by-area basis starting with lower-levels and rising as the building gains height.  

Once the structure for each area is complete, the building envelope, roof, façade and windows will be installed to create a degree of watertightness on a level-by-level basis allowing internal first fix elements to commence.  

The internal fit-out works will gather more traction once the building is substantially watertight, with numerous trades, Mechanical, Electrical and Public Health (MEP), walls and partitions, specialist clinical systems, ceilings and decorations, all working in a planned arrangement.

Each department and area will go through stringent pre-commissioning and commissioning activities allowing construction ‘completion’.

A clinical commissioning process will be undertaken in readiness for the hospital opening.

Managing the construction impacts 

The Programme is committed to being a considerate constructor and a good neighbour to local residents, businesses and organisations.

We are continuing to develop construction methodologies that are appropriate for the environment in which the works will be undertaken, and these will be captured in a draft Construction Environmental Management Plan which will be issued as part of the Planning Application. 

We would like to reassure Islanders that the following considerations and provisions are being made to ensure we limit any impacts as much as possible to those in the surrounding area:

Access and traffic management

Construction traffic will access and egress the site through the existing entrance and exit roads at the Overdale site. Movement of traffic, including deliveries and waste removal, will be carefully managed to avoid peak periods.

The highway will be kept clean and vehicles will be required to wash their wheels prior to exiting. 

Larger vehicle deliveries will take place in accordance with the Island’s legislations with cognisance taken to vehicle weights, sizes and limitations.

Local transport and car sharing usage will be encouraged and a purpose area for construction parking has been planned.

For the safety of all, on-site vehicular and pedestrian segregation will be strictly enforced. 

Minimising construction impacts

Plant and equipment will be selected for their minimum output of dust, noise and vibration.

Construction activities or any noise generating works will take place during set periods which will be agreed with relevant authorities. For example, 7.30am to 6pm on weekdays and 7.30am to 1pm on a Saturday.

Noise will be limited and agreed as part of the planning process.

Off-site construction techniques will be ad​opted where possible reducing on-site activities.

Temporary perimeter fencing 

Solid perimeter hoarding, a minimum of 2.4 metres high, will be erected around the site. The boundary facing the Crematorium will be higher at 4 metres to ensure greater privacy and respect for this sensitive zone.


Carbon reduction techniques will be considered such as batteries, green energy in lieu of diesel and fossil fuels.

Waste will be kept to a minimum with specific waste management plans prepared and followed.

Tree protection

To inform the Planning Application, we will be undertaking arboriculture surveys to inform the project’s tree loss mitigation strategy.

Environmental monitoring

Onsite construction activities will be measured for their impact on the environment. For example, air, soil, water, waste and noise. The role of this process is to reduce the environmental impact of the development to residents and businesses.

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