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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Patient receiving treatmentPatient receiving treatment

​​​At Jersey General Hospital we aim to provide the highest standards of care for every patient.

With over 2,000 private inpatient admissions each year, we value your views about our service. We use this information to maintain and improve our high standards of care.

Here are some overall statistics from our Patient Survey:

  • 96.9% of patients rated the overall quality of their care as excellent and very good
  • 98.3% of patients said they would be extremely likely and likely to recommend the service to friends and family

Results taken from a 12-month period, from May 2018 to April 2019.

Patient survey

You can complete our Patient Survey related to your private inpatient admission on Sorel ward.

Your comments help us know when we got things right or have not met your expectations so we can improve.

Surveys can be completed:

  • ​online using the QR code in your room​
  • on paper by asking your nurse for a copy

If you have recently returned home from hospital, you can complete the Priv​ate Patient Survey online.

Complete the Private Patient Survey

Concerns or complaints

We take all comments and complaints seriously. If you experience a problem, no matter how small, we need to know about it, so that we can put it right.

We understand that you may be anxious about raising concerns during your admission. We would welcome the opportunity to resolve your concern at the time it occurs, ensuring the rest of your stay is trouble free. You can speak to the Ward Manager or Nurse In-Charge about any concerns you may have.

If you wish to make a complaint after you have left hospital, you can write to:

Feedback Team
2nd Floor Peter Crill House
Jersey General Hospital
Gloucester Street
St Helier

Or you can email your complaint to:

Time limits for making a complaint

You should make your complaint as soon as possible. The time limit for complaints is 6 months from the date the incident or experience occurred, or 6 months from the date you were first aware of it.

Your letter should include a summary of your concerns and both where and when the events took place. You'll receive an acknowledgment within 2 working days.

Wherever possible, we will aim to complete the investigation and provide a response within 30 days.

Jersey General Hospital will share your concerns with relevant staff. This helps us investigate your feedback and provide you with a response.

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