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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Nuisance complaints

​​​Statutory nuisances

Environmental Health Officers investigate complaints relating to statutory nuisances. Generally if something is unreasonably interfering with your enjoyment of your house or land and is happening on more than one occasion it may be considered a statutory nuisance.

Circumstances that the statutory nuisances law can deal with include:

  • premises harmful to health 
  • accumulations or rubbish 
  • smoke or fumes 
  • noise or vibration 
  • dust or smells 
  • poor animal management
Statutory Nuisances (Jersey) Law 1999

What to do if you're affected by a nuisance

If you're affected by an inteference, you should:

  • approach the person causing the nuisance and explain the problem politely
  • write to the person explaining the effect the nuisance is having on you and make reference to any past conversations or agreements. Keep copies of all correspondence and a diary of dates and times of any nuisance
  • contact Environmental Health if the nuisance continues

The person making the complaint needs to be the person whose home or land is affected. A complaint from a business or a non householder about a nuisance issue does not qualify.

If you contact us to make a complaint about a nuisance, we will ask you to keep a diary over a period of time, such as 4 weeks, and return it to us as part of the evidence-building phase.

You can download a diary template and guidance notes that explain how to fill in the diary below. You can also download a copy of the standard letter you can expect to receive from us if you make a complaint. This letter explains the investigative process.

Nuisance diary template
Nuisance diary guidance notes
Nuisance complaint standard letter
Statutory nuisances leaflet
'How Environmental Health deals with noise nuisance' leaflet

Nuisances and how to avoid creating them


  • never burn household rubbish, rubber tyres, or anything containing plastic, foam or paint
  • never use old engine oil, meths or petrol to light the fire or encourage it
  • avoid lighting a fire in unsuitable weather conditions. Smoke hangs in the air on damp, still days and in the evening. Be aware of where the smoke will blow on windy days
  • never leave a fire unattended or leave it to smoulder. Douse it with water if necessary
  • Jersey has excellent refuse disposal facilities, use them. Take waste to a proper site

High Hedges

This law is enforced by the Department of the Environment. 


There are many ways you can avoid creating a noise nuisance.

Tips for reducing noise

Odours (smells)

Complaints are received about odours, for example from spreading slurry. You can find guidance about this on the Jersey Law website.

Water Pollution (Approval of Code of Practice) (Jersey) Order 2020

Noise at work on Health and Safety Executive

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