ArtHouse Jersey provides financial assistance to local artists, and artists linked to Jersey, who want to pursue a career in any artistic disciplines. These include:
performing arts
literary arts
visual arts
technical artists
The grants can be for the development of a new project or to support the development of artistic skills.
To find out more and apply see the
guidelines on the ArtHouse Jersey website.
The £45,000 annual budget is primarily sourced from the Government of Jersey and is administered by ArtHouse Jersey.
The Jersey Community Foundation gives grants to charities and community and voluntary groups in Jersey whose work benefits our community.
The Arts Fund's priorities are to:
boost arts opportunities for the community
improve skills and creativity in the arts and culture sector
continue to develop community cohesion
The current maximum grant is £50,000 per applicant per financial year. Multi-year grants will be considered.
Find further details and apply on
Arts Fund on the JCF website.
The annual budget is primarily sourced from the Channel Islands Lottery and is administered by Jersey Community Foundation.
There are 2 scholarships administered by the Société Jersiaise.
Averil Picot Art Scholarship
A £1,500 scholarship is available annually for those studying art at college and university.
Barreau Art Scholarship
A £1,000 scholarship is available annually to help the study of fine art in the form of:
decorative design
Find more details about these scholarships and apply on
Bursaries, Awards and Scholarships on Société Jersiaise website.
The Government of Jersey can provide funding for projects and organisations that:
Submit an Arts (non-Music) grant application
Submit a Music grant application
Submit a Public Event (non-Music) grant application
Submit a Heritage grant application
To discuss your arts initiative, email
The Rivington Fund provides funding to Jersey residents who could not otherwise afford to travel out of the Island to cultivate their passion for arts, crafts or history. This £100,000 annual budget is administered by ArtHouse Jersey.
Applicants must:
satisfy the eligibility criteria
be able to outline their trip in detail
demonstrate their passion and reasoning for the trip
propose a realistic budget
For further information and to apply, visit the Rivington website.