06 October 2006
6 October 2006
Privileges and Procedures Committee
Privileges and Procedures Committee release result of Mori Survey
The Privileges and Procedures Committee has released a report entitled “States of Jersey Survey on Electoral Reform” which contains the findings of the survey conducted by Ipsos Mori.
The objective of the survey was to obtain the views of a representative sample of Jersey residents about their attitude towards voting and to establish the main factors that have contributed to low electoral turnout.
The Committee would be pleased to receive comments and views on the survey before it begins its work on bringing forward proposals for reform. Comments can be sent to the Chairman, Connétable Derek Gray, c/o States Greffe, Morier House, St. Helier, JE1 1DD or by e-mail to d.gray@gov.je
A copy of the report is available as an MS Word document
(1,214 kb) (opens in a new window)
or as an Adobe PDF
(569 kb) (opens in a new window)
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