17 February 2006
The Transport and Technical Services Department is doing its utmost to ensure the programme of works causing the current disruption to traffic coming through the Grève d’Azette area, is completed as quickly as possible.
The road resurfacing part of the programme will start on February 20, which coincides with school half term holidays. These works will take place outside peak traffic hours, Monday to Friday, so as to not affect the morning and evening traffic wishing to use Beach Road. During working hours (09.00am – 4.30pm) there will be no vehicular access through Beach Road. However, access will be available to both businesses and premises at all times, in liaison with the site foreman.
Resurfacing will start at the Dicq Pumping Station and proceed eastward to the Green Road junction. Following on from this, the gangs will move on to the remaining section of road from the bottom of St Clement’s Road to the Pumping Station, and the timing of this will be closely coordinated to tie in with the completion of the important Pumping Station’s maintenance works.