- Date
- 21 December 2009
Possessing or using so-called âlegal highsâ is now illegal in Jersey following a decision by the Hea...
- Date
- 16 December 2009
People in Jersey, particularly those travelling to the UK and other areas with high levels of swine ...
- Date
- 14 December 2009
People in Jersey who are travelling to the UK over the festive period are being reminded to take out...
- Date
- 10 December 2009
Andrew Williamsonâs report into child protection services in Jersey, published in June 2008, mad...
- Date
- 07 December 2009
People in Jersey who would like to be vaccinated against swine flu can now make an appointment with ...
- Date
- 02 December 2009
The number of swine flu cases has declined sharply with only 62 new cases being diagnosed in the pas...
- Date
- 26 November 2009
Parents are being advised that children in nurseries and primary schools are being offered a booster...
- Date
- 25 November 2009
In the past week, cases of swine flu have doubled in Jersey with 242 new cases diagnosed, mostly in ...
- Date
- 25 November 2009
Islanders are being urged to set up a network of flu friends who can support them if they become ill...
- Date
- 20 November 2009
Just before
today (20 November 2009) a 50mm water main in one of the gr...
- Date
- 20 November 2009
Parents are being advised that the 48-hour rule currently in place for children returning to Jer...
- Date
- 20 November 2009
26% of Islanders have now been vaccinated against swine flu. Nurses from Health and Social Servi...
- Date
- 17 November 2009
Young adults up to 40 years of age with health conditions like asthma and diabetes are being urged t...
- Date
- 16 November 2009
Jerseyâs Health Department has declared a swine flu outbreak after a sharp increase in cases in the ...
- Date
- 12 November 2009
The Medical Officer of Health, Dr Rosemary Geller, has issued the following statement about when swi...
- Date
- 12 November 2009
Between 80% and 90% of pupils from the schools visited by Public Health staff yesterday (11 November...
- Date
- 02 November 2009
Swine flu vaccinations will start in Jersey nurseries and schools on Wednesday 11 November provided ...
- Date
- 29 October 2009
Jerseyâs Medical Officer of Health says an outbreak of swine flu is on the way after new cases of th...
- Date
- 22 October 2009
People in Jersey are being urged not to call their GP for the swine flu vaccine but to wait until th...
- Date
- 22 October 2009
Parents are being reminded that the 48-hour rule currently in place for children returning to Jersey...
- Date
- 21 October 2009
A quarter of Jerseyâs health care staff were immunised with the new swine flu (H1N1) vaccine yesterd...
- Date
- 16 October 2009
The Health and Social Services Department (HSSD) will begin the first phase of the swine flu vaccina...
- Date
- 12 October 2009
A cheque for over ÂŁ2,560 will be presented to the Jersey Renal Charitable Trust after 3 members from...
- Date
- 09 October 2009
The Minister for Health and Social Services has thanked the Health, Social Security and Housing ...
- Date
- 08 October 2009
People in Jersey are being urged to carry on with the preventative measures that have so far contain...
- Date
- 06 October 2009
An Awards and Celebrating Achievement Evening is being held by Health and Social Services on 7 O...
- Date
- 30 September 2009
Jerseyâs Medical Officer of Health, Dr Rosemary Geller, has issued the following statement about the...
- Date
- 29 September 2009
Following the death of a 14 year girl who had received a cervical cancer (HPV) vaccine at school in ...
- Date
- 29 September 2009
Jerseyâs Medical Officer of Health, Dr Rosemary Geller, has issued the following statement after the...
- Date
- 28 September 2009
The Chief Officer of the Health and Social Services Department, Mike Pollard, has resigned from ...
- Date
- 28 September 2009
A vaccination programme for the Island has been agreed by the ministers who meet regularly to di...
- Date
- 24 September 2009
15 Jersey students will be taking part in a 2 day programme (28 - 29 September) which gives an i...
- Date
- 24 September 2009
Staff from Jerseyâs Health Department are in St Helier this week raising awareness about the fact th...
- Date
- 16 September 2009
A student from Les Quennevais School has been confirmed as having swine flu and another pupil at the...
- Date
- 11 September 2009
Jerseyâs Deputy Medical Officer of Health, working in conjunction with Education, Sport and Culture,...
- Date
- 11 September 2009
A student at Beaulieu School has been confirmed as having swine flu. A pupil at La Moye School is un...
- Date
- 10 September 2009
The independent Review of Data Security recently produced by the Comptroller and Auditor General, re...
- Date
- 09 September 2009
Rouge Bouillon school has become the latest Jersey primary school to be awarded the 'National Health...
- Date
- 03 September 2009
To help slow the spread of swine flu, parents in Jersey are being reminded that children should not ...
- Date
- 02 September 2009
21 pre-registration student nurses began their 4 year study programme today.
This is...
- Date
- 21 August 2009
Jersey schools will open as planned on Thursday 3 September for the autumn term. * However, as a pre...
- Date
- 17 August 2009
There were no new cases of swine flu in the week leading up to 24 January 2010, which means the tota...
- Date
- 17 August 2009
Staff from Jerseyâs Public Health Department will be taking to the streets of St Helier this week to...
- Date
- 11 August 2009
Jerseyâs Deputy Medical Officer of Health is advising Islanders that there is no need to avoid mass ...
- Date
- 06 August 2009
The Ministers who are meeting regularly to discuss Jerseyâs response to the swine flu pandemic a...
- Date
- 31 July 2009
During the last week I have listened carefully to responses from people who have been expressing...
- Date
- 24 July 2009
I am very aware that there has been considerable public concern over some of the aspects of the draf...
- Date
- 24 July 2009
GPs are rearranging the way their surgeries operate to cater for people who may have swine flu. Anyo...
- Date
- 21 July 2009
The first phase of a new system which will eventually enable all children under 5 years of age t...
- Date
- 09 July 2009
The Health and Social Services Department is reinforcing its message about practising good hygiene t...
- Date
- 06 July 2009
The Health and Social Services department is reminding islanders that special regulations approv...
- Date
- 02 July 2009
Health and Social Services is awarding contracts today (Thursday 2 July) to two suppliers, InterSyst...
- Date
- 01 July 2009
Jerseyâs Medical Officer of Health is advising Islanders not to intentionally mix with people who ha...
- Date
- 29 June 2009
People in Jersey are being advised to drink plenty of water and to stay in the shade between 11am an...
- Date
- 29 June 2009
Jerseyâs Medical Officer of Health has advised that, with effect from 30 June, school children retur...
- Date
- 26 June 2009
One more case of Swine Flu has been confirmed in Jersey, taking the total to 10. This latest cas...
- Date
- 25 June 2009
40 staff from the Health and Social Services Department are attending an award ceremony after achiev...
- Date
- 25 June 2009
People who do not have flu symptoms but have been in contact with someone who has Swine Flu are bein...
- Date
- 24 June 2009
Three new cases of Swine Flu have been confirmed in the Island, bringing the total number of cases t...
- Date
- 23 June 2009
Three new cases of swine flu related to last weekâs incident have been confirmed at Helvetia House S...
- Date
- 22 June 2009
Lab results for the student at Les Quennevais School tested for Swine Flu after having been in conta...
- Date
- 19 June 2009
Parents of Jersey school children are being advised that all schools, with the exception of Helvetia...
- Date
- 19 June 2009
A student at Les Quennevais School has been tested for Swine Flu after having been in contact with a...
- Date
- 18 June 2009
Two more cases of swine flu have been confirmed in Jersey. The patients are doing well and are recei...
- Date
- 12 June 2009
The first case of swine flu has been confirmed in Jersey. The patient, who is making a good reco...
- Date
- 11 June 2009
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has raised its alert phase for Influenza A (H1N1) from 5 to 6. P...
- Date
- 10 June 2009
Jersey doctors are being advised to test patients with flu-like symptoms for Influenza A (H1N1), com...
- Date
- 01 June 2009
Jerseyâs Health and Social Services Department has decided to extend its Child Employment Law consul...
- Date
- 22 May 2009
Press Release 22nd May 2009Jersey âs Public Health department is updating its advice for islande...
- Date
- 20 May 2009
94% of people who were surveyed after treatment at Jerseyâs General Hospital found the level of care...
- Date
- 18 May 2009
There has been 12 possible cases of âswine fluâ in Jersey, all of which have proved negative after t...
- Date
- 14 May 2009
Health information about all Jerseyâs children has been successfully transferred to a new IT system ...
- Date
- 08 May 2009
The Minister for Health and Social Services has issued the following statement about the planned clo...
- Date
- 08 May 2009
A new case of possible âswine fluâ (Influenza A (H1N1)) has been reported in the Island. Tests are b...
- Date
- 07 May 2009
Jerseyâs Health Minister, Deputy Anne Pryke, has agreed to secure for Jersey the H1N1 (Swine Flu) pa...
- Date
- 05 May 2009
Jerseyâs Health and Social Services Department says there are currently no new suspected cases of In...
- Date
- 04 May 2009
Jerseyâs Health and Social Services Department has announced today (Saturday 2 May) that the remaini...
- Date
- 01 May 2009
Jerseyâs health authorities have announced two further suspected cases of Swine Flu (Influenza A (H1...
- Date
- 30 April 2009
Jerseyâs health authorities are escalating their plans to protect islandersâ health, following the W...
- Date
- 30 April 2009
Three islanders are being tested for the new swine influenza virus and treated with Tamiflu at home....
- Date
- 29 April 2009
The number of confirmed swine flu cases internationally has now risen to 103, with a larger numb...
- Date
- 28 April 2009
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has raised its pandemic alert phase from 3 to 4, in recognit...
- Date
- 27 April 2009
Press Release 27th April 2009Jersey âs health authorities are monitoring the outbrea...
- Date
- 27 March 2009
The Health and Social Services Minister has commissioned an independent investigation into the care,...
- Date
- 05 March 2009
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Senator Jim Perchard, will be thanking local charity, J...
- Date
- 02 March 2009
Most Jersey people who need medical treatment while visiting the UK will have to pay for it from 31 ...
- Date
- 26 February 2009
Jerseyâs Public Health department has confirmed that none of the batches of Meningitis C vaccine tha...
- Date
- 20 February 2009
Statement from The Minister for Health and Social Services 20th February 2009The Minister ...
- Date
- 19 February 2009
Press Release 19th February 2009There has been an increased incidence of diarrhoea and vomiting ...
- Date
- 10 February 2009
Dr Susan Turnbull, Deputy Medical Officer of Health and Jerseyâs Public Health Lead on Cancer and Sc...
- Date
- 09 February 2009
Press Release 9th February 2009On the 14th January 2009, the Right Hon...
- Date
- 02 February 2009
A new vaccination programme for protecting against cervical cancer is to be extended to older Jersey...
- Date
- 28 January 2009
On the closing of the trial of Dr Moyano, the Minister for Health & Social Services, Senator Jim...
- Date
- 14 January 2009
Speakers from one of the most socially deprived areas of the United Kingdom will be addressing polit...
- Date
- 14 January 2009
People in Jersey who are at risk from influenza, more commonly known as flu, are being reminded to b...
- Date
- 05 January 2009
Employers and young people are being asked for their views on proposals to regulate what kinds of jo...