26 July 2012
Community groups are being called on to tell the Department of the Environment how they could contribute to the planning process.
The Planning and Environment Minister, Deputy Rob Duhamel, has released draft planning guidance which he hopes will encourage community engagement in the planning process and ensure that as many people as possible participate in the department’s decisions.
“Planning decisions affect the shape of our environment and our lives. I would like to see community groups apply their creative ideas and energy into shaping their own environments. In particular I hope they will contribute to developing village plans and new guidance for specific parts of the Island,” said Deputy Duhamel.
The draft planning guidance sets out how community groups might do this. It also sets out how community groups could take part in the critical review of planning applications and what both prospective applicants and the Department of the Environment might expect as a result.
“Jersey is fortunate in having an established network of community groups, represented by bodies such as the parishes as well as specific interest groups: it is part of the Island’s unique character and identity. Many of these groups are already active and want to engage in the planning process and this guidance attempts to set out some guidelines about how they can best do this. I want people to contribute their ideas and energy to shaping the places where they live,” said Deputy Duhamel.
The guidance has been issued for consultation and the deadline for comments is 7 September 2012.
Community engagement in planning consultation