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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Education director to retire

26 March 2013

Jersey’s Director of Education, Sport & Culture (ESC), Mario Lundy, has announced he will be retiring from the post in summer 2014.
Mr Lundy (61) has decided to serve a long notice period to give additional time for a successor to be appointed.
ESC Minister Deputy Patrick Ryan said “I would like to thank Mario for his 34 years of dedicated service and I am grateful for the long notice period. This is an important role in a complex area and the timescale gives us an opportunity to recruit a suitable candidate in plenty of time and allow a good handover period.”
Mr Lundy became Director of Education in January 2008 after working at ESC as Assistant Director for Schools and Colleges for four years. He came to Jersey in 1979 to work at Les Chenes School and later became head teacher there. He was also head teacher of Grainville Secondary School for eight years from 1997.
Mr Lundy said “It’s been a privilege to work in such a variety of roles in education. I am proud of Jersey’s education system and what it has achieved for the Island’s young people. We have many dedicated staff and I would like to thank my colleagues in schools and at the department for their support and professionalism over many years.”
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