12 August 2015
This year’s A-level results will be released on Thursday 13 August. These results will determine university places for the majority of Jersey sixth formers. Schools, Highlands College, Advance to Work and Careers Jersey will be available on the day to help students if required.
The number of Jersey students applying for university places is similar to that in 2014. Once students have a definite offer of a place at university and they have applied for a student grant they should complete the online HE7 form (the link will have been sent directly to the students after initial application). Copies of their A-level or BTEC results and a copy of the unconditional offer letter from the institute will need to be provided to the Student Finance Office. This is a very busy time for Student Finance as they attempt to assess and process nearly 1400 students (across all year groups). Students are therefore asked to only phone if absolutely necessary and, if they do so, be prepared to leave a message which will be picked up at a certain time each day.
Employment and further education
Careers Jersey is open from Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm throughout the summer holiday period to assist students looking for alternative courses and universities, those taking an unexpected gap year, as well as those considering employment instead of further education. Careers Jersey is situated at Philip Le Feuvre House, La Motte Street (entrance via the Department of Social Security) and can be contacted on 449440.
Careers Jersey is also available to help students who have problems with their choices after GCSE results. These are released on Thursday 20 August.