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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

2015 news

  • Health and wellbeing survey launched

    28 August 2015
    The Jersey Health and Life Opportunities Survey will be sent to 10,000 Jersey households and has been designed to provide a picture of the health conditions that Islanders live with and what impact they have on peopleā€™s daily lives
  • September start for sex discrimination protection

    26 August 2015
    From 1 September, people in Jersey will be protected against discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the grounds sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and pregnancy and maternity
  • Index of Average Earnings 2015

    25 August 2015
    The Statistics Unit has published the Index of Average Earnings report for June 2015
  • Social Security report on MTFP savings

    25 August 2015
    Some of the money saved will be used to improve the 65+ health scheme, which is targeted at supporting the independence of lower income pensioners.
  • Minister seeks action on glasshouses

    25 August 2015
    ā€‹The Minister for Planning and Environment, Deputy Steve Luce, has written to owners of dilapidated and derelict glasshouses to clarify their intentions for the future use of these sites
  • States of Jersey's website ranked top in UK

    24 August 2015
    The States of Jersey's website beat 423 local governments in the UK to come top in the latest index produced by website auditor Sitemorse
  • Voluntary redundancy scheme results announced

    24 August 2015
    The States-wide voluntary redundancy programme has approved applications from 104 public sector staff to leave their roles
  • Red Houses consultation closing

    24 August 2015
    Public feedback wanted on proposals to lease 40 parking spaces to Waitrose
  • Improvements to sewage treatment works

    24 August 2015
    If planning permission is approved, work will start in 2016 to dig up 700,000 cubic metres of hillside to prepare the site for the proposed new sewage treatment works
  • Permission for Jersey Oyster Co expansion

    20 August 2015
    Improving the Jersey identity of its produce through direct selling to retailers was the key motivator for the company's bid to expand its business
  • 2015 GCSE results announced

    20 August 2015
    Provisional 2015 GCSE results show Jersey students performed well with the percentage of entries that resulted in grades A* to C standing at 76.7%
  • House Price Index report for Q2 2015

    20 August 2015
    Latest House Price Index figures released
  • Proposal to heighten seawall at Gunsite

    19 August 2015
    Following investigation work, Transport and Technical Services are proposing to reduce the risk of flooding to the Beaumont area by raising the sea wall from the Gunsite slip to just beyond Le Perquage Car Park, by just under one foot
  • Recycling robot on the move

    18 August 2015
    The robot was built from waste electrical items in August 2012 to help Transport and Technical Services raise awareness about the importance of recycling electrical items rather than throwing them in the bin
  • Minister proposes bass stocks protection

    14 August 2015
    New measures to protect bass stocks in Jersey waters have been proposed by Assistant Minister for Economic Development with responsibility for fisheries, Deputy Steve Luce
  • Appeal for renewed awareness of jellyfish

    14 August 2015
    Beach-goers and swimmers warned to remain vigilant
  • Causes of sea lettuce

    13 August 2015
    Information about the causes of sea lettuce in Jersey and what is being done to address its growth and to remove it from Island beaches
  • A-level results 2015

    13 August 2015
    The overall pass rate for Jerseyā€™s A-level results published today is 99.0%, which is almost identical to in 2014
  • Careers advice after A-levels

    12 August 2015
    Schools, Highlands College, Advance to Work and Careers Jersey will be available to help students if required when they receive their A-level results
  • Registered unemployment figures for July 2015

    10 August 2015
    1,490 people were registered as Actively Seeking Work (ASW) in July 2015
  • Fisherman prosecuted for groundlines

    06 August 2015
    The Department of the Environment is reminding fishermen to ensure that fishing gear set on beaches and at sea complies with the law
  • Imported fruit trees disease threat

    06 August 2015
    Scientists at the Department of the Environment are appealing to Island residents to help keep out Fireblight - a serious disease that can kill fruit trees and hedgerows
  • Free planning advice in town

    06 August 2015
    Planning and building officers will be in town offering free advice sessions on home improvements and alterations and asking Island residents for their views on the Council of Ministersā€™ strategic priority project, Future St Helier
  • University freshers urged to get new vaccine

    05 August 2015
    Free vaccination sessions will help protect those who have turned 18 during the past school year, against the potentially lethal meningococcal W disease
  • Jersey co-hosts London shipping reception

    05 August 2015
    Shipowners, brokers, financiers and senior politicians will be among those joining Jersey representatives at an international shipping reception in London
  • Consultation on Red Houses car park

    04 August 2015
    Transport and Technical Services (TTS) is asking for comments from the public on proposals to establish one hour free parking on the upper level of the Red Houses Car Park at St Brelade
  • Dental health report released

    03 August 2015
    The report found that the oral health of five-year-old school children was very good and exceeded that noted in the UK
  • Access to Justice Review progress

    03 August 2015
    The report is an important update on the progress that has been made with the review in four key areas for improvement
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