20 November 2015
Dog owners are being reminded to pick up after their pets after a puppy became ill from an infection likely to have been caused by dog poo.
A six-month old puppy has been ill on and off for three months after she picked up the Giardia parasite. The most likely cause was faeces from another dog.
As a result of her infection the puppy had to be treated by a local vet, running up bills of more than £500. Despite treatment she is still not clear of the parasite.
Hazardous to human health
The disease caused by the parasite, Giardiasis, usually results in diarrhea. In the long term it can cause weight loss, poor condition, and even death, but many infected dogs don’t show any symptoms. The Giardia parasite can also be a hazard to human health.
It’s simple to prevent the spread of Giardia (and other parasites) - pick up the faeces left by your dog immediately, then bag it and bin it.
The Eco active Proud Of You (for picking up my poo) campaign was launched earlier this year and offers information and free posters to anyone who wants to support it.
Keep talking
Reminding dog owners of the importance of picking up after their dogs, eco active programme manager Jane Burns said "The campaign resulted in a big reduction in the amount of dog mess. This is an issue that we need to keep talking about because people get complacent over time. I hope this very sad situation reminds people why it is so important to clear up after their dog."
You can give your views on dog mess (and other litter) in Jersey by taking part in a public consultation on the topic.
Link to Comité des Connétables consultation on litter
Link to Proud of You campaign