11 March 2016
Islanders are being asked to nominate local foster carers and thank them for all the work they do as the Fostering and Adoption Team at Health and Social Services hosts the first Jersey Foster Carers Awards ceremony in May.
Emmy Lindsey, manager of the Fostering and Adoption Jersey team, said “The ceremony will provide an opportunity to publicly recognise the outstanding care and commitment that Foster Carers and Connected Person Carers provide to our most vulnerable children and young people living here in Jersey. We are so grateful for all that our foster carers do to give young people a loving and stable home environment, and we want to thank them for this.”
The awards night will take place on 14 May at the Radisson Hotel, including an appearance by poet Lemn Sissay MBE, a published author and poet, who was a foster child in the UK, will perform a motivational speech and a selection of his poems. Mr Sissay was the official poet of the London 2012 Olympics and works to support children who live in care.
Ms Lindsey said “Every foster carer deserves an award, and we’ve thought of different categories so that we can honour as many people as possible. What we need help with now from Islanders who come into contact with foster carers, is nominating them. We want to spread the message that if you know a great foster carer, they could be the deserving recipient of an award.”
The nomination categories are as follows:
New Foster Carer Award
Respite/Short Break Foster Carer Award
Short Term/Emergency Foster Carer Award
Permanency Foster Carer Award
Connected Persons Carer Award
Young Person’s Choice Award
Outstanding Commitment to Foster Children with Disabilities Award
Outstanding Contribution to Fostering Award