22 September 2016
Future St Helier has a new logo following a primary school competition to design a graphic image for the town regeneration initiative.
The steering group leading the regeneration of town, a strategic priority for the Council of Ministers, commissioned the development of a strong, contemporary and recognisable logo to:
- celebrate and raise awareness of what St Helier has to offer
- raise awareness of change associated with the proposal to regenerate the town
- communicate initiatives associated with the priority that are designed to educate, inform and elicit engagement and feedback
The competition winner, seven-year-old Myles Hancock, enjoys visiting St Helier to visit the library, and the Aquasplash and the cinema at the Waterfront, which he chose to reflect in his design.
Graphic designers helped turn his art work into a logo which will be used on visual and written material for the initiative.
Meanwhile, students who want to express their views on town, through street art, are being encouraged to attend a workshop on Saturday with street artist Bokra.
The event – at Pitt Street (Charing Cross) on Saturday, 24 September, is designed to get young people between 11 and 21 to say what they think is most important for the future of town and encourage them to turn their views into graffiti art on hoarding space donated by the Channel Island Co-operative Society.