26 November 2018
Islanders with an interest in the environment and wildlife are reminded to submit their comments on the draft Wildlife Law before the closing date, tomorrow Tuesday, 27 November.
The consultation has already seen a good number of people completing the questionnaire and attending the public meetings. Anyone wanting to submit comments on the draft law can still do so via the link on gov.je/consultations
The new law, which will act as Jersey’s main law for managing wildlife and will replace the current Conservation of Wildlife Law, has been drafted to meet modern international standards and to allow for an effective and efficient system of regulating activities affecting local wildlife and their habitats.
The questionnaire asks for islanders’ opinions on the following main areas of the draft law:
- definitions for ‘wild animal’ and ‘wild bird’
- schedules and levels of protection for wild animals, birds and plants
- protection of dens, nests breeding sits and resting sites
- areas of special protection
- methods of killing and taking of all wild birds and wild animals
- release of animals, birds and plants into the wild
- licences
All responses will be treated in confidence and be considered when finalising the law.