15 September 2020

The Jersey Community Foundation has awarded almost £200,000 of grants to charities for projects which help people to cope with the impact of COVID-19.
Macmillan Jersey has received funding for a Community Cancer Support Service, which provides emotional support and practical advice to cancer patients and their families. This includes people who are shielding while they receive treatment, and people whose diagnosis and treatment may have been affected as a result of COVID-19.
The funding has also been used to support several internships for people with disabilities or long-term health conditions, who may have found it difficult to find work due to COVID-19. The internships are supported by the Jersey Employment Trust, and aim to improve the skills and employability of clients, and help them secure work.
Minister for External Relations, Senator Ian Gorst, said: “I am delighted that money from the dormant bank accounts fund is being used to support initiatives that significantly benefit our community at this time.
“This has been a difficult period for the more vulnerable members of our community but also for many others in the Island. I want to highlight once again the work done by the many volunteers and charities to support those who need assistance and offer them my sincere thanks.
“I encourage any charity engaged in projects or activities aimed at Islanders who have been affected by COVID-19, to contact the Jersey Community Foundation to discuss whether they are eligible for this funding.”