04 July 2022
Around 16,000 taxpayers have just four weeks left to file their tax returns online, before the deadline on Sunday, 31 July 2022.
Anyone who intends to file their tax return online will need to activate a onegov account and set up a digital ID. A valid passport will be needed to complete the digital ID registration processes.
Taxpayers are encouraged to activate their onegov accounts as soon as possible. In some cases verifying customer details could take up to five working days if the information provided does not match current records.
Comptroller of Revenue, Richard Summersgill said: "As the deadline for filing a 2021 tax return in paper format passed at the end of May, anyone who wants to file their return on time, must now file it online.
"If customers haven't yet activated their onegov account they'll need to allow enough time to do this, including setting up a digital ID, and time for verification checks. Please don't leave it to the last minute, as late filers may be liable to a penalty."
So far, Revenue Jersey has received 15,500 online returns and more than 45,500 tax returns in total.
Customers who miss the filing deadlines (31 May for paper and 31 July for online returns) may receive a fine of £300. Full details on appeals against fines can be found on the Government of Jersey website.
Details on online tax return filing is available via the Government of Jersey website.
There is a fine of £300, or the amount equal to your tax if your assessment is less than £300, if a personal tax return is filed after the deadlines (31 May for paper returns and 31 July for online returns).
If a return is not filed within three months of the deadline, a penalty of £50 will be applied for each month that the return remains undelivered, up to a maximum of £450.
Islanders who have used Yoti in the past but have recently changed their phone can follow these instructions to recover their Yoti account.