25 August 2023

Statistics Jersey have today published the Index of Average Earnings report for June 2023.
The Index of Average Earnings in Jersey measures the annual change in average earnings (gross wages and salaries) that have occurred, and been paid, to workers in Jersey. It includes overtime payments, but excludes bonuses, employers’ insurance contributions, holiday pay and benefits in kind (e.g. free accommodation or meals). The 2023 Index measures changes in average earnings paid between June 2022 and June 2023, on a full-time equivalent (FTE) basis.
The index is determined from earnings data collected from a large representative survey of firms in the private sector and from all Government of Jersey Departments. This was the first year in which the survey was compulsory for businesses to complete under the provisions contained within the Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018.
In June 2023:
- average earnings per full-time equivalent employee (FTE) were 7.7% higher than in June 2022
- after adjusting for inflation (the headline rate of inflation in Jersey in June 2023 was 10.9% ), average earnings fell in real terms by 2.8%
- over the last 10 years, average earnings have decreased in real terms by 2.7%
- over the twelve months to June 2023:
- average earnings in the private sector increased by 7.8% in nominal terms (before adjusting for inflation) and in real terms fell by 2.8%
- average earnings in the public sector increased by 7.4% in nominal terms and in real terms fell by 3.2%
- within the private sector:
- the lowest increase in average earnings was recorded by the other business activities sector (this sector includes a wide range of predominantly private service-based businesses and includes care homes, cleaning companies, private education and leisure services), an increase of 5.2% on an annual basis
- the agriculture sector saw the highest annual increase, up 19.8% on an annual basis; this was driven by an increase in hours worked in June 2023 compared to June 2022, with the increase in the minimum wage (13.9%) also contributing to the large increase in the sector
- median average earnings of full-time equivalent employees was £800 per week
- mean average earnings of full-time equivalent employees was £920 per week
- around 14% of private sector employees were earning less than £12.19 per hour (the Jersey “Living Wage”)
- the agriculture and fishing (43%), hotels, restaurants & bars (40%) and wholesale and retail trades (36%) were the sectors with the highest proportion of employees earning less than the living wage
Read the full report