22 April 2024
Bowel cancer is largely preventable and is one of the most common types of cancer
diagnosed in Jersey. This Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, Islanders are being encouraged
to know the symptoms of bowel cancer and take up the offer of the free bowel cancer
screening if eligible.
Symptoms of bowel cancer include:
- bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo
- a change in bowel habit lasting for three weeks or more especially to looser or
runny poo
- unexplained weight loss
- extreme tiredness for no obvious reason
- a pain or lump in your tummy
The free bowel cancer screening programme has recently been expanded and Islanders
aged between 55 and 65 will be invited to undertake at home screening every two years.
The screening involves a faecal immunochemical test (FIT) which can detect signs of bowel
cancer and pre-cancerous changes before symptoms occur.
Consultant, Dr Moses Duku, said: “It’s important to know the symptoms of bowel cancer
and if you are experiencing symptoms or you notice a change, you should contact your GP
immediately as if found early, bowel cancer can be successfully treated.
“Bowel cancer screening reduces the risk of dying from bowel cancer by at least 35-50%. I
personally want to encourage all eligible Islanders who receive a FIT kit to take the test.
“Screenings can feel daunting and Islanders may feel embarrassed to do a sample, so by
doing the test in the comfort of your own home you should feel more at ease.”
Anyone who has not been recently screened should contact the Bowel Screening Team on
01534 444376 or email bowelscreening@health.gov.je.
More information and advice is available at gov.je/bowelscreening.