26 March 2025
Eligible Islanders are encouraged to stay protected this spring and take up the offer of a COVID-19 spring booster vaccination. The vaccines are free of charge and will be available at GP
surgeries from Tuesday 1 April and will be offered until the end of June.
Islanders who are eligible for the Spring Booster include:
- those aged 75 and over
- those aged 6 months and over who are Immunosuppressed
- residents in care homes for older people.
Islanders will need to contact their GP surgeries to make an appointment. Delivery may vary
practice to practice. Those who are residents in care homes will be vaccinated where they
reside. Visit gov.je/SpringBooster for more information.
Primary Care Representative, Bryony Perchard, said: “While most people who get COVID will
have a mild illness, those in older age groups and with certain health conditions are at a higher
risk of developing serious illness and being hospitalised. Vaccination not only reduces the
chances of the getting ill but also makes any infection less unpleasant. I urge all those who are
eligible to not let their defences against COVID-19 fade by booking an appointment with their