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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Gender pay gap report published

12 March 2025

​​​Statistics Jersey have today published the gender pay gap in Jersey - June 2024 report. This report marks the introduction of a new regular publication, scheduled for release annually each March.

This report provides a specific focus on the gender pay gap analysis and is intended to address the user need for a dedicated publication on this topic.​


In June 2024:
  • the median hourly rate for males was £22.27 whilst for females it was £20.95, producing an overall gender pay gap of 6.3% 
  • the 12-month average median hourly rate was £21.38 for males and £19.83 for females, with a 7.8% gender pay gap, 1.2 percentage points lower than in June 2023 (9.0%)
  • age groups over 40 years old saw higher gender pay gaps than the overall average
  • the highest gender pay gap of any sector was in the information and communication sector (28.2%)
  • the lowest gender pay gap of any sector was in the private education, health and other services sector (0.1%)
  • males consistently earn more than females in the financial and legal activities sector, 
  • however, the pay gap has shown signs of narrowing in this sector since January 2022  
  • non-finance private sectors have seen relatively little change in the gender pay gap over the same period
These statistics are derived from existing administrative data held by the Government, this approach offers greater detail and allows additional breakdowns to be produced that were possible before. The full report (accessible below) provides further detailed results and details on the updated methodlogy used.

Gender pay gap in Jersey - June 2024

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