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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Housing, community, recreation, industry and travel


The vision for Jersey is of an Island ‘where all residents have a place to call home and where individual parishes and local communities can thrive’.

The new Island Plan objectives seek to ‘support the provision of adequate housing for all residents’. In the vision, a clear distinction is made between providing ‘homes’ and providing ‘housing’. Housing should be provided that is of a quality that creates a sense of attachment and belonging – a home.

Housing: Island Plan 2002

Social and community

The vision for Jersey sees the Island as a place where ‘everyone is able to share in Island life and be valued for their contribution’ and where ‘individual parishes and local communities can thrive’.  With regard to social and community facilities, the strategic objectives of the Island Plan include to:

  • assist the development of facilities to meet health, education, social and community needs
  • assist the development of a vibrant social and cultural scene

Social and community: Island Plan 2002

Tourism and recreation

The vision for the Island Plan 2002 sees Jersey as ‘a distinctive place where everyone is able to enjoy a high quality of life’. An Island with a visually pleasing environment ‘that has a clear sense of identity and place in the UK, Europe and the World’.

Objectives of the Island Plan 2002 of particular relevance to tourism and recreation include to: 

  • protect the character of the coast and countryside
  • protect and promote the built, cultural and archaeological heritage
  • protect and enhance the local character of urban and rural communities and the identity of the town and local centres
  • encourage a balanced and more diverse economy and assist all sectors of the economy to adapt to change in the market place
  • support the development of appropriate tourism, cultural and leisure activities and facilities

Tourism and recreation: Island Plan 2002

Industry and commerce

The vision for Jersey is of an Island within which ‘economic development and prosperity are sustained and residents can be employed in fulfilling work’.  The objectives for the Island Plan 2002 relating to the economy are:

  • to encourage a balanced and more diverse economy and assist all sectors of the economy to adapt to change in the market place
  • to maintain the rĂ´le of the town of St Helier as a major centre, providing employment, shopping, community, and other facilities

Industry and commerce: Island Plan 2002

Travel and transport

The vision for Jersey is of an Island where access for people and goods is provided in a manner which minimises the need to travel and the impact of transport on the environment. The vision also highlights the need for sustained economic development and prosperity and a high quality and safe environment.

 Travel and transport: Island Plan 2002

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