Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)
The purpose of
this SPG is to:
establish a vision,
general planning principles and to identify certain ‘key opportunity
sites’ which will guide the development of the Southwest Quarter of St
establish the need for
developers to undertake community consultation prior to the submission of
planning applications;
advise as to the delivery
mechanisms for improvements to the public realm;
replace the Esplanade
Quarter Masterplan (2008), amendment to the Masterplan (2011), the Design
Code for the Esplanade (2008) and the Waterfront Supplementary Planning
Guidance Note (2006)
This guidance
was adopted, following extensive community engagement and a formal public consultation exercise, in December
2019. The new guidance will provide a vision for site owners and developers as
well as a framework for the assessment and determination of any subsequent
planning application for the development of any site within the area.
Southwest St Helier Planning Framework