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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Site waste management plans

​​Managing waste from construction projects 

If you are submitting a planning application for a development that is likely to generate a significant quantity of waste you are required to submit a waste management plan.
Site waste management plans (SWMPs) are primarily intended to:
  • identify the volume and type of waste materials generated during the development process (e.g. materials from demolition and excavation works and from construction activities)
  • establish opportunities for reuse, recycling and recovery of materials (i.e. promote the waste hierarchy)
  • demonstrate how off-site disposal of waste will be minimised and managed
  • generally assist in improving materials resource efficiency on construction sites
  • act as a tool for monitoring the successful implementation of sustainable waste management during development projects

The requirement for developers to prepare and implement a site waste management plan is set out in Policy WM1 of the 2011 Island Plan. The Policy is set out in full in Section 2.

This guidance has been prepared in accordance with Proposal 23 of the 2011 Island Plan, to provide additional advice and assist with development control considerations. This guidance;
  • elaborates on Island Plan Policy WM1
  • explains in more detail the purpose behind site waste management plans
  • sets out what is required in preparing, updating and implementing these plans throughout the various stages in the construction project 
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