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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Annual Business Survey

​​​How to complete the survey

If your business has been selected to take part, you can complete the survey online using the link below. You'll need to enter the unique reference that was either posted or emailed to you.​

Complete the Annual Business Survey

There are additional notes on specific questions included with both the paper and online questionnaire.

The survey is run independently by Statistics Jersey and all information gathered is strictly confidential.

Aim of this survey

The new Annual Business Survey (ABS) is the main structural business survey conducted by Statistics Jersey. It replaces two previous surveys (the previous Annual Business Survey and the Survey of Financial Institutions) we previously conducted. It crosses all business sectors, collecting financial data from businesses' end-year accounts, including turnover, wages and salaries, purchases of goods and services, stocks and capital expenditure.​

The ABS is an important source of information used in the completion of Jersey’s national accounts measures (GVA and GDP) and trade statistics.

What you need to know

To complete the survey you will need the following information:

  • trading period
  • income
  • expenditure
  • international trade in services
  • international trade in goods

Why you have received this survey

Your business has been selected from the register of undertakings established under Article 38 of the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012. We survey undertakings of all sizes to ensure our statistics are representative of the Jersey economy. We select all larger undertakings (those with 50 or more employees) as their information is so significant. We also select some smaller undertakings through a random selection process. These undertakings are very important to us as their trading patterns are often very different to larger businesses.

The ABS is conducted under the provisions of the Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018. Once selected, your business is legally obliged to comply. You cannot appeal your selection.

Useful documents

Below are documents relating to this survey:

Example survey f​orm

Guidance notes

Frequently asked q​uestions

How we use your data

Your information is protected under the Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018. The information provided is strictly confidential and will only be used to produce aggregate numbers. Statistics Jersey will not pass your information to anyone outside of Statistics Jersey.

Statistics Jersey is registered as a 'Controller' under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. We process and hold your information to provide public services and meet our statutory obligations. You can find further details on our privacy policy and retention schedule.

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