The Jersey Opinion and Lifestyle Survey (JOLS) provides many of these figures. JOLS is an annual survey run by to collect data from a sample of adult Jersey residents.
Statistics Jersey runs the survey each year, but we don’t always ask the same questions. For example, we only ask questions about hazardous drinking behaviour every other year.
Jersey Opinion and Lifestyle Survey: latest report and past reports
All new mothers are encouraged to attend a consultation with their GP when their baby is 6 weeks old (the 6 week check). During this consultation, the baby's feeding status is recording. We calculate the percentage of babies breastfeeding by dividing the number of babies confirmed as breastfeeding, by the number of babies whose feeding habits we know at the 6 week check.
Percentage of babies being breastfed at the 6 week check
Source: Public Health Intelligence, download the data
Read the latest births and breastfeeding report
Births and Breastfeeding Profile 2022
The Jersey Opinion and Lifestyle Survey (JOLS), asks a question about smoking every year. The question asks “which statement best describes you", and gives the following options:
I have never smoked or I don't smoke
I used to smoke occasionally but don't now
I used to smoke daily but don't now
I smoke occasionally but not every day
I smoke daily
Percentage of Jersey adults that currently smoke (occasionally or daily)
Source: Statistics Jersey, download the data
You can read the latest Smoking Profile by following the link below
Smoking profile 2021
Hazardous drinking
The Jersey Opinion and Lifestyle Survey (JOLS) asks an alcohol related set of questions every other year. The survey includes, questions which make up the FAST scoring system to measure hazardous or harmful drinking.
The 4 questions which make up the FAST score are as follows
| 0
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
How often do you have 8 (men) / 6 (women) or more drinks on one occasion
| Never
| Less then monthly
| Monthly
| Weekly
| Daily or almost daily
Only answer the following questions if your answer above is monthly or less |
How often in the last year have you not been able to remember wnat happened when drinking the night before?
| Never
| Less than monthly
| Monthly
| Weekly
| Daily or almost daily
How often in the last year have you failed to do what was expected of you because of drinking?
| Never
| Less than monthly
| Monthly
| Weekly
| Daily or almost daily
Has a relative / friend / doctor / health worker been concerned about your drinking or advised you to cut down?
| No
| Yes, but not in the last year
| Yes, during the last year
A score of 3+ indicates hazardous or harmful drinking.
Percentage of Jersey adults with hazardous or harmful drinking habits.
Source: Statistics Jersey, download the data
You can read the latest alcohol profile by following the link below
Alcohol profile 2022
Physical activity
The Jersey Opinion and Lifestyle Survey (JOLS) asks individuals to rate their physical activity level using one of the following phrases:
Very active
Fairly active
Not very active
Not at all active
Percentage of Jersey adults who rate their own physical activity level as either ‘very active’ or ‘fairly active’
Source: Statistics Jersey, download the data
Jersey Opinion and Lifestyle Survey (JOLS) asks individuals to report the number of portions of fruit or vegetables they eat per day.
Percentage of Jersey adults that eat 5 or more portions of fruit or vegetables per day
Source: Statistics Jersey, download the data
For more information see the latest obesity, diet and physical activity report: