The product presents with a serious health risk as it includes water beads that expand to more than 50% of their original size within 12 hours of soaking them in water. If the small, dehydrated bead is swallowed by a young child, the bead may expand inside the digestive tract causing a blockage. The product also presents a risk of asphyxiation as if a bead is swallowed in its hydrated form, it may block a young child’s airway leading to asphyxiation.
OPSS has published a Product Safety Alert for water beads, which can be accessed at:
This product does not meet safety standards.
Product description: Kids science kit for kids aged 6+, containing 3 experiments, one of which includes a small plastic bag of expanding water beads. Packaged in a purple cardboard box.
Model Numbers: Explore Box 9 / chain reactions and Investigate Box 9
If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.
For further information see the attached safety notice.