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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Pay your personal or company tax bill

Payment deadlines

Payments must always be received by Revenue Jersey before any payment deadline to avoid a surcharge or penalty. Make sure you allow enough time for your selected payment method.

​Deb​​​​it ​​or credit card online

You may pay any amount subject to the card issuer.

Pay your taxes

Debit or credit card by telephone

Use the automated telephone payment Freephone number, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You'll need your 10 digit Tax Identification Number (TIN).

Freephone 0800 023 7087

Direct debit

You can pay your tax in advance by instalments. Complete this direct debit form and send it back to us. We'll contact you to let you know h​ow much your payments need to be.

Revenue Jersey direct debit form


Make cheques payable to 'Government of Jersey'.  Always include your 10 digit Tax Identification Number (TIN) and the period you want to pay on the back of the cheque, for example 1234567890 2024. Send the cheque to:

Revenue Jersey, PO Box 56, St, Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PF 

Telephone and internet banking

Always include your 10 digit Tax Identification Number (TIN) and the period you want to pay in the reference, for example 1234567890 2024.

​Account Name
Government of Jersey
​Sort code
40 - 25 - 34​
​Account number
​Branch identification codeMIDLGB22
​IBAN numberGB06MIDL40253451444506​
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