Cars broken down in a car park
If your car breaks down in a car park, you can leave it there but you must park it correctly inside a marked bay. You must display enough paycards to cover the time until it's collected or pay for a long enough session if using PaybyPhone.
It's not enough to place a note on your vehicle saying it's broken down. This will result in a parking fine being issued.
Contact the Parking Control Office to advise of the circumstances and provide your:
- contact number
- vehicle location
- vehicle registration number
You can also email this information.
If your car breaks down in a short stay car park during the weekend and your garage is closed you should contact the Parking Control Office.
You must display enough paycards to cover the time until it's collected or pay for a long enough session if using PaybyPhone.
Cars broken down in a residents’ parking zone
If your car breaks down in a residents' parking zone (RPZ), you should contact the Parish Wardens to provide your:
- contact details
- vehicle location
- vehicle registration number
Parish Wardens
Tel: +44 (0) 1534 811866
Cars broken down on a street
If your car breaks down on a street, you should contact the Parking Control Office and provide your:
- contact details
- vehicle location
- vehicle registration number
They'll be able to advise you on what you should do. If this happens after 6pm contact the Parish Wardens using the contact details above.