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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Rouge Bouillon road closure

​About the project

A burst water main made the property at 28 Clarendon Road unsafe and the walls between it and 102/102A Rouge Bouillon. This is because water went through the ground and created empty spaces under the buildings and structures.

The situation is very complex. Many adjacent walls and buildings are badly cracked and have moved a lot.

We’re working with multiple stakeholders to make the area safe again: 

  • Jersey Water
  • structural engineers
  • building surveyors
  • loss adjustors
  • insurance companies

The team of professionals working on behalf of the property owners and their insurance companies provided a plan. This will stabilise the property and demolish the external walls:​

Step 1

Contractor working on behalf of the owner of 28 Clarendon Road will install steel strapping around the building.

Step 2

The structural engineers, assisted by geotechnical engineers, will investigate soil conditions under the foundations.

Step 3

The external structures and boundary walls will be demolished.

Step 4

When it’s safe, we will re-open Rouge Bouillon.

Schedule of works

Dates may change as work is carried out and circumstances of the site develop.

Phase of the works Traffic management
CompleteMobilise contractors​​​Road closed​
​ ​ ​ ​
17 March to 4 April 2025Erect steel strapping system to 28 Clarendon Road
7 April to 23 April 2025Monitor 28 Clarendon Road and start geotechnical investigation
24 April to 2 May 2025Demolish external structures and fill voids
2 May 2025Review safety of all structures
Ongoing from 2 May 2025Prepare for rebuilding and repairing structuresRoad open
Ongoing from 2 May 2025Re-build structures and repair 28 Clarendon RoadLane closures​


We currently can’t allow public access close to the buildings because it’s unsafe.

Vehicle access is close:

  • to La Pouquelaye from Rouge Bouillon
  • on Rouge Bouillon between Clarendon Road and Palmyra Road

Pedestrian access is:

  • open from Rouge Bouillon to La Pouquelaye
  • not available along Rouge Bouillon between Clarendon Road and Palmyra Road


Some bus services have been diverted.

Find more information on LibertyBus​.

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