Planning application: P/2017/1023 DetailsPlans and documentsDetailsPlans and documents Planning application Property Retreat Farm, La Rue de la Frontiere, St. Lawrence/St. Mary, JE3 3EG Road name Parish Postcode Description Demolish glasshouse and ancillary structures in Field 770. Construct 13 No. two bed and 14 No. three bed self-catering accommodation units and ancillary structures with associated hard and soft landscaping. Change of use of resulting agricultural field to car park, including hardstanding and associated works. Widen La Rue de la Frontiere and alter vehicular access. Construct bus shelter and form footpath to South-West of site. Construct terraced seating area to North of existing café. 3D model available. AMENDED DESCRIPTION: Additional plans and documents received in support of submission and in response to representations received. AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) submitted. FURTHER AMENDED DESCRIPTION: Additional plans received in response to previous Department for Infrastructure highway comments. FURTHER AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED. FURTHER AMENDED DESCRIPTION: Secondary Tree Inspection Results Report received. FURTHER AMENDED DESCRIPTION FOLLOWING PUBLIC INQUIRY DEFERRAL: Demolish existing glasshouse and associated structures and hardstandings in field M770. Restoration of land to a condition suitable for agriculture. Creation of permeable surfaces and landscaping. Changes to existing means of access to La Rue de la Frontiere including road widening, creation of link footpath, 2 No. bus platforms and 1 No. shelter. Install pumping station and associated surface and foul water drainage. Erect 27 No. units for Class F (d) self-catering accommodation with 2 No. associated ancillary units for laundry and gym and 2 No. associated ancillary units for reception/ticket office and shop (and canopy) ancillary to Tamba Park leisure facility with associated bases. Use of land for mixed use for a) car parking associated with Tamba Park; b) reception/ticket office and shop facilities with office for leisure and tourism and c) Class F (d) self-catering use with associated car parking. SUBMITTED PLANS CLARIFIED FOLLOWING PUBLIC INQUIRY. LocationView on map Applicant JAJ Properties Ltd Agent K E Planning Type Major application Status Refused Officer responsible Chris Jones Constraints Green Zone, Primary Route Network, Water Pollution Safeguard Area Validated date 24th July 2017 Advertised date 24th April 2018 End publicity date 15th May 2018 Site visited date n/a Committee meeting date n/a Decision date 25th July 2018 Appeal lodged date n/a Appeal hearing date n/a Appeal decision n/a Appeal decision date n/a For the best experience, you will need to use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browser to view the map Back to detail page Notifications To receive email notifications about the progress of this planning application, including when any comments are received, choose the "Notify me" button below. You will be directed to sign into your existing account or create a new account if you don't have one. Back to search results